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Found 8 results

  1. I have been managing a website, www.braybank.info, for many years using Serif's now abandoned Webplus, most recently X7. I have to pass it on to a successor and am trying to install and run it on my laptop in preparation for handover. I can do all the offline stuff OK, but I cannot upload it to my host, Fasthosts. Uploading is handled by the Webplus software, and it still works fine on my ageing Dell desktop, but on trying to establish a new connection from the laptop (also Dell), Fasthosts is demanding that I use 'secure' ftp connections. Can anyone tell me please how to achieve this? Thank you Mike
  2. Hello, I am a very long term Serif Pageplus and Webplus user. I can now see you are no longer intending to develop either of these products in favour of everything Afinity. So, will you be doing a page layout software to replace page plus? Will you be doing a web design software to replace web plus and will it handle mobile pages better? I look forward to hearing from somebody. Thanks
  3. Hello, Affinity team! We already have Affinity Designer and Affinity Photo, You work on Affinity Publisher. Are You planning to create an Affinity Webplus instead of a Serif Webplus? Regards
  4. I am about to retire and have used all of the Adobe suite at work and use the Serif Suite at home on a PC, but I also have a Mac computer at home and would like to use the Serif/Affinity Suite on both. Is their any likelihood of the programmes being available on the Mac and if so any time scale?
  5. Hello. I have quite a few websites all created with serif webplus, a program which I absolutely LOVE. I have recently had to swallow the bitter pill of realising that I will need to switch to another program. I am really hoping that that program will be Affinity publisher. Is it possible to make websites with it? If not, have you any plans to make this possible in the near future? If still not, please tell me what to do. I am extremely good at using webplus and so would need something as similar as possible. What program could replace it without too much pain and suffering on my part? I have absolutely no idea of how to choose one. It was the perfect web building program - I am beyond gutted that I am going to have to go elsewhere.
  6. I started using WebPlus Started and moved to X5, X7 and finally to X8. Been very happy with the program UNTIL GoDaddy one day stop supporting the software I was uploading to my web page. With no notice just literally KICKED ME OUT And I was KICKED OUT! Question Will this be the trend from Hosting companies. I learned not long ago that even SERIF was getting out of Hosting. So what is the deal? But this is not a WebPage forum so IS AFFINITY DESIGNER Serif's substituted for WebPlus? Went to an affinity store and found some Affinity Designer Web Pages . . . and this is what prompt me to ask the question above. Specially since, as far as I knew, SERIF has SAID NOTHING on this regard. ANY information on this regard will be APRECIATED THANKS JARivera
  7. Please forgive me this question here in the forum, because it's a little bit off topic here. Is WebPlus X8 (or successor) planned for Mac? Will purchase immediately... :rolleyes: :blink:
  8. Will there be Mac versions of Webplus (and the whole existing suite of applications on Windows) in the future? I'm excited this company is finally expanding to one of my most loved platforms, and look forward to perhaps some Linux (possibility?) and iPad applications too :lol:
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