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  1. This has probably been suggested already, but I really wish Affinity Photo could add a method of saving RAW edits using a xmp sidecar file (or other non destructive way like how Adobe Camera Raw remembers edits to dng files) so that I can re-open edited raw files a later date. An option to reset edits back to original settings of the RAW file should be included too. The current method of having to bake edits after developing and to save as an .afphoto file is a pain, due to making another large file or having to re-edit the RAW again.
  2. I have used Adobe software for my photography for over a decade. I hate paying the subscription for it, but it does work very well for my purposes. I started using Affinity a year or two ago in hopes it would be a replacement but it didn't meet my requirements. Apart from the way Affinity "develops" RAW files, I can cope with any other differences between Photoshop and Affinity. I was looking forward to the v2 update in hopes that it would introduce a more intuitive way to "develop" my RAW photos but the workflow is still significantly lacking - or I don't understand to replicate my current workflow. My current process is as follows: Shoot photos. This could be a handful or a few hundred in a single shoot. Copy photos to PC. Drag-and-drop photos into Photoshop. This opens ALL of the photos in CameraRAW. Make adjustments. This is typically white balance, exposure, contrast, shadows, highlights, texture, clarity, dehaze, saturation, vibrance, color mixing, color grading, details, curves, and more. At this point, I can also quickly apply any of the dozens of presets I have created over the years. Once I am satisfied with the edits, I can quickly apply the same settings to the ENTIRE shoot. Now I can quickly sift through the images and rate them, apply color tags for sorting, and mark "bad" images for deletion. Save all "good" images as JPEG. Make further adjustments per image in Photoshop, such as cropping, object removal, retouching, etc. I am not suggesting a 1:1 replica of Photoshop's process with Lightroom or CameraRAW, but something very close would be perfect and allow me to completely replace their software. Is there a way for me to almost completely replicate the above workflow in v2? I've been watching the YouTube tutorials but they only seem to develop multiple RAWs when they are focus-stacking or merging.
  3. Are there any lens profiles available for the 3 lenses of the iPhone 11 Pro Max ? Since the best camera is the one you carry along, I take a surprisingly high part of my photos with my iPhone. For better results I often use the app Halide. It creates RAW files that need to be developed as any RAW image. I prefer to do this on my Mac, transferring the images via iCloud. I would like to have preinstalled lens profiles, especially for the super-wide and wide angle lenses. I have not found such profiles yet. Anybody knows a source and can post a hint or a link ?
  4. Hi, It is possible once the raw is revealed, they are in person photo, return to person revealed to make changes, in PS it would be smart objects. Thank you. Oriol
  5. Using Adobe LightRoom & Adobe Camera RAW I have access to several features for aligning my image, straightening, distortion controls, selective color tweaking, white & black, THE LIST GOES ON. Does Affinity Photo have the same tools for editing RAW images? I simply do not see the breadth of tools as I would have in Adobe LightRoom or Adobe Camera RAW - am I missing them???? I can do RAW editing in Adobe Camera RAW & continue my edits using Affinity Photo however I want to TOTALLY & unequivocally FIRE Adobe - I am sick and tired of the monopoly they have had for far too long in the photo editing arena. Does Affinity Photo for iOS have the same abilities as Adobe LightRoom or Adobe Camera RAW? Are the RAW editing abilities of Affinity Photo the same for iOS & desktop? Thank you, Jeremy Cowell McMahon
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