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  1. Hi there! I'm looking for advice as I'm about to hand over some files to my assistant to help support me after previously doing a huge project alone. It's a large file – a 320~ page book with text, color, images & different content on every page. Therefore I have my image files linked so that such a large file can be worked on without lag. However, I am wondering what is recommended/what will happen if I share this file with another? Since the linked files are on my computer, it likely won't translate to her computer when she's working on them... so what is recommended? Even if I share the files with her that are linked, they'll then be in 2 sources and I'm afraid that will disrupt or confuse the file? The only other thing I can think of is embedding them all but splitting the file up into smaller pieces... but this may cause issues when it comes time to piece it together for print? Is there anything else I need to keep in mind when co-working and sending files back and forth? I plan to send files via google drive but is there a better / recommended way? Thank you for any advice, support or recommendations. R
  2. hey all! I have a quite urgent question: Today I opened mit afpub file and was surprised that all the linked documents that I have edited many times in publisher are suddenly being overwritten with the original linked documents (all editing gone). This happens a few seconds after opening the file. So in the first seconds you can still see all the edited documents but they are being replaced with the "old" version soon. Is there any way I can stop the replacing with the original documents and keep mit edited ones? 🥺 I still have hope because during the first seconds the edited documents are still visible. but I don't know how to keep them... This has never opened before. I have worked several days on that file and this has never happened before but I have a deadline today... THANK YOU IMG_5840.MOV
  3. I have a big problem with linked resources in v. 1.9.1. I am creating a map with a lot of symbols created in one AD file, and another AD file with the map, where the other symbols file is linked to. The symbols file contains an artboard for each symbol, and the symbols are used at various scales in the map document. After the update, the scale of the linked objects are rescaled each time I change the symbols document. This is very annoying of course, as I had to resort to embedding the symbols to make sure I did not have to manually rescale after every change... This is a regression from 1.9.0 where I only ran into this problem once, after manually changing the linked resource. This makes working with linked documents very unreliable, and I can not use the advantages it offers, like easily making changes to items and have it apply in the whole document, and it bloats the file size quite a lot too. I will have to reconsider some of my working methods with this bug, which is quite nervewrecking. I hope this issue can be resolved??
  4. Hi! In the Affinity Publisher help it is stated that: "It's good practice to keep your linked resources in a subfolder within your document's folder. Not only does it keep your images in one place for easier management, but if you move your project to a new location, the links to your resources will always be maintained." I have all the linked files in a folder that I have together with my APub document, see example screenshot: However, each time I access my project from another computer (and the root path is, of course, different), the links to the images are broken. This is not what I would expect since the relative path is unchanged, and that situation must be similar to moving your project to a new location, stated in the help it should be possible to do. The files are on my laptop and I access the files from an iMac connected to the laptop via thunderbolt. The status for the files in the resource manager is "Access denied". If I replace the missing files with themself again, then status is OK, even after a document reopen on the iMac. Luckily the link connections when opening the document on the laptop are also still OK even after updating them from the iMac. But they reset to "access denied" each time the file is saved again from the laptop. Am I doing something wrong or is it something that can be fixed?
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