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  1. Was working fine in 1.9.0. Copy/pasting simple shapes/lines to create cut file templates. Granted they're rather large files but I had no issues in the previous version. Happens when alt-dragging to copy and paste, and also with regular copy and pasting. Tried starting a new file and bringing in a single object from the old file to create a new template from and getting the same result. Different file of similar templates of a different shape is acting fine, but it originated via save-as from the file that's having the issues. Also started a template from scratch and it is having no issues, to the problem seems to lie with how 1.9.1 is handling the curves in the file from the previous version. I'm not certain if this problematic file originated in 1.8.6 or 1.9.0. It was initially created from an opened pdf from a different software (non-Affinity) with the stickers that needed cut lines created and the sticker images/objects were deleted out after the cut lines were created. TL;DR - Program was being slow with a file from pre-1.9.1, problem revolves around the paths drawn in the file. Copy/pasting paths into new file didn't solve issue. Solution was to start new paths in new file from scratch. Willing to send along the problematic file to the Dropbox.
  2. I'm working on a Mac with Mojave 10.14.5 on a file with 9 art boards. As of yesterday afternoon every time I choose a colour from my imported document palette in the vector persona I get the coloured spinner and Designer (version 1.8.3) hangs endlessly until I force quit. I've created a new document and copy/pasted onto 1 art board to check if multiple art boards is the problem but it's doing the same thing immediately. Anyone else having this problem or know what I can do to solve it - I have a deadline to meet next week and I'm worried.
  3. Hello, I am having serious problems with Publisher 1.8 too. It keeps hanging when I try to add new pages and I am forced to restart the computer I am willing to reinstall 1.7.3 and have a question : My work document, a 300 page book, is in 1.8 afpub format How do I open 1.8 files with the 1.7.3 Publisher? There doesn't seem to be an option to "save as" with an older format in 1.8 I'd be thankful for an answer
  4. When I try to import a new brush for the design I am using, 1.8 simply hangs,,, eventually it will crash, if it fails to crash I have to force a shut down. Windows 10 Dalebb
  5. Yesterday I was slicing up an image in the export persona, an operation I usually don't do, and Photo RC1 locked up. It has been locked up for several hours. This generally hasn't happened in the beta before.
  6. just to say I was playing with some Text and I had finished one page and wanted to move to the next, the whole program stopped working, I left it for over 5 mins but eventually, I had to close it. cheers
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