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  1. We may have discrete Sections available as Fields but running footers/headers making use of specific paragraph types (i.e. Heading 1, which might have Flow break to the top of the next page). Ideally, we could configure which paragraph styles are accessible in View > Studio > Fields. My suggestion would be to have it user-configurable from right-click the "Edit <Paragraph Style>" Paragraph > Field Options Available as Field? First or last available? On Page or Spread? (see relevance of first/last in previous question) This would make for some really robust footer/headers on master pages, esp. in education or technical materials with dense, structure order to their contents, allowing us to guide the read through. The Field referencing the other Paragraph style occurring in the main document could be styled by any existing paragraph style as expected.
  2. Hello, I am new to Publisher and I didn't find any answer to this question: how can I define a footer that is shared by many master pages? The goal here is to be able to edit the content of my footer (for instance put specific name or change a version number) without needing to do that on all my master pages. It would be like having a footer master page that apply to all or part of other master pages. Hope this graphic helps to understand my goal. Thank you for your help! Antoine
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