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Found 5 results

  1. Hey there peeps! :D :D :D I am so, so excited to share with you, my latest endeavour known as BAHOOCHIE! an eejits Card Game. It's a great wee game for 2-4 players based on the Top Trumps format but with a twist! Beware the BAHOOCHIE! It can change the game. Of course, everything I created for the game was done in Affinity Designer, from the eejits, the card designs, the lettering, everything. Symbols was a great addition to AD that helped loads, so were artboards. You should see the single file I created for all the cards. Artboards everywhere!! Anyhoo.... I have launched the game on KickStarter to try and raise the funds to cover the printing and custom tuck boxes. I would love your support and help in achieving the goal. Here's the link to BAHOOCHIE - an eejits card game on Kickstarter. All will be explained when you head on over there. Cheers guys and gals, George (I'm just a wee bit excited!)
  2. Hey there lads and lassies, Playing around with my creatures (and once I had found out the goodness of the outline tool) decided to try out some sticker designs. I think I need to tweak it a little further but they're nearly there. I likes them.... :D George
  3. Hey folks, Thought I'd give this one it's own topic as I'm quite proud of it! Hope you guys like this wee eejit with the strange powers!! George
  4. Hey folks, Been a wee while but I'm back at creating creatures with Affinity Designer (and paper & pencil). Instead of adding a new topic for every one I make, I thought I'd start this new thread to put them all in and show them off to you all. So here's one for ya! :) George
  5. Hello folks, Been practising with Designer and completed this wee critter in over the past couple o' nights. Still trying to streamline my workflow but practise is good (and fun.....) If anyone has any tips on how to make this better (especially the balloon) then I'd love to hear them. :D Cheers! George [shamelessplug] For more creatures like this, head to my website - www.eejits-online.co.uk [/shamelessplug]
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