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  1. Hello ! First, I wanted to thank teams who work on affinity because if it doesn't exist,I won’t be able to pay software that i need to work. So really thank you for that ! I hope there is an answer for my question : Actually, i am not getting to vectorize contours when i apply brush to them. It's possible when it's continuous line contours but not with brush. I downloaded this brush on your site, so it's not a problem of compatibility....So i hope i am on the right place to ask this. And sorry for my english.
  2. Using Publisher on Win10 I've attached an afpub and the exported PDF and a screenshot of the PDF. I have a shape with multiple contours, and made multiple copies of it to illustrate the problem. It seems that depending on where on the page this shape sits, sometimes the contours "break" at the topmost node. If you start moving around the copies, the broken contours may disappear or change. It is not related to the PDF options, I tried various different presets, including for print. (The topmost node is a weird one, since it seems to be 2 nodes on top of each other. I guess this was the outcome of a merge of two shapes (done in Designer). Such nodes should be merged, not overlap like this, so maybe that's another bug somewhere...) affinityshapetests_pdf_digitalsmall.pdf affinityshapetests.afpub
  3. Hello guys, i'm not an expert of those kind of programs and i'm not even an english speaker, so i apologize for the poor explanation of my question. I would like to use Affinity (Photo or Designer doesn't matter, i got both) to draw a contour around an image that i select with the selection brush (or other tools, idk) to obtain an effect similar to the attached image (i mean the white line around the two guys that clearly replicate and emphasize the selection). Is it possible?
  4. I'm sorry if this was already submitted—I did some scrolling and no joy :( Can we have Blends and Contours? Dynamic ones that can be tuned after creating, like CorelDRAW can? I didn't grow up on a mesh fill and have idiosyncratically used Blends very well in photorealistic illustrations. TIA, Gary
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