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  1. I'm not sure if I'm not understanding the gradient colour selection dialog boxes. I have two artboards of the same poster side by side, one is my CMYK version and the other is RGB. I'm switching between them and trying to ensure that each one has the correct colours set. How ever, when I edit one, say RGB, then go to the other CMYK one the dialog box isn't switching to CMYK, so I tell it I want these colours to be CMYK. Then back over to RGB artboard and select the same item, but now the dialog box is saying each step is CMYK. I'm confused to say the least. Isn't it meant to show me the colour of the step selected and not the last colour used? Put two boxes next to each other, fill one with RGB and the second with CMYK (can be a solid or gradient), now go back to the first box and it's suddenly a CMYK. I'm losing the battle here (and my sanity slightly). Is it that a single document can't have CMYK's and RGB's? Thanks for any direction on this as I'm trying to get things out for clients and this is making my already late project later.
  2. Hello my Friends, I hope that HKS will be included in future in Affinity software alongside Pantone. For time being, I've prepared CMYK versions of HKS colour systems for coated (K) and uncoated (N) papers (download attached *.afpalette files). HKS 98 & HKS 99 are gold and silver (same in both). Why? Lots of printers in Europe are using HKS, i.e. Saxoprint and others. :*) HKS N.afpalette HKS K.afpalette Post Scriptum Official Website: https://www.hks-farben.de On Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HKS_(colour_system)
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