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  1. I can’t make both the callout shape and its text visible. This is what I have done:– 1 Selected Callout Rounded Rectangle Tool. 2 In the context bar, set stroke colour and size. 3 Drew the callout and it appeared on its own layer with nodes, the layer's icon showing the shape. 4 Changed the fill to transparent. 5 Selected the Frame Text Tool (not Artistic Text Tool). 6 Clicked in the shape. The cursor appeared and the name of the layer changed to Shape Text. 7 In the context bar, set font colour and size. 8 While entering text, the shape disappeared, the layer's icon changed to that of the text tool. 9 On moving the cursor, the outline of the shape reappeared with nodes (not the shape itself). 10 On clicking out of the shape, the text remained visible, the shape remained invisible, the outline of the shape disappeared. If I make the layer invisible and then visible again, its name becomes the text I have entered. I was hoping the text AND the shape would be visible, the text within the shape. Reselecting the shape shows its outline with nodes and the context bar refers to the text not the shape. Is this a bug? Or have I missed something blindingly obvious? Or is it a bug that is selective of its victims? Or what? Please help! NB I have achieved success with a work-around: entering artistic text on one layer and the shape on another, then aligning them – I can’t find this described in the Help pages.
  2. I am trying to place text inside of a rectangular callout. I cannot get it to work: both the artistic text tool and the frame text tool simply replace the callout shape. I can't find any online tutorials that cover this basic task. All I want to do is to have some text inside a callout that points to what the text describes.
  3. Is there a tutorial showing the most direct way to create comics-style "word balloons"? I've been trying to use the "callout rounded rectangle" tool and and finding it almost completely unpredictable and impossible to control. I was able to work with it a week ago and get a black outline with white opaque infill. I had to create a separate text box and group that because at no point was there any indication that the callout included a text feature. This week, I can put text in it but cannot control anything but the nodes. That is, I cannot change the line color or thickness of the blue shape (see attachment), nor give it an opaque fill. Clearly, there is something about this control that is completely changed by some kind of not-obvious setting. What is really needed is a simpler version of this that immediately produces an opaque white "callout" with black lettering and editing nodes, not something that requires that you understand every possible nuance from the very beginning. Help, please!
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