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  1. As much as I like AP, there is sometimes this last step that makes me go mad. The export. It seems that can't get a quality export from AP. I tried all resample settings and in the end I just get mad and remember that I never hat to think about it in PS. This is a 1669 X 1669 px 400dpi PDF coming from AD I try to get crisp at 565px 144dpi or 72dpi. I'm aware that it won't be that crisp but these exports are unacceptable. I tried bilinear, bicubic and the others. I don't get a crisp image and I should go out for a walk before writing further. http://shahin.de/AP/Screen_Shot_From_AD.png http://shahin.de/AP/KFL_565_72dpi_Bicubic.jpg http://shahin.de/AP/KFL_565_72dpi_Bilenar.jpg http://shahin.de/AP/KFL_565_72dpi_Lanczos01.jpg http://shahin.de/AP/KFL_565_72dpi_Lanczos02.jpg
  2. Hi all, I'm a new user to Affinity Designer and have been trying it out. In general I find the 1.5 update to be most interesting, especially with the addition of features like Symbols. I found a problem while exporting that I'm not sure if it should be considered a bug or not. I tried to pixelate a text, and make an artwork out of it. However on export, it becomes intensively smoothened out and blurry, in all resampling modes except Nearest Neighbour. Please open the images to a see their full resolution. Nearest Neighbour: Bilinear: I could export it with Nearest Neighbour, but that means all my other artwork in the image wouldn't get properly antialiased. After a lot of trial and error, I figured it's a problem with transparency, and indeed if I group it with a white background and then rasterise it, I get the expected result. However that workaround is limited, since many times I do want it to be transparent. For case-control I tried the same thing in Illustrator, and indeed the export has no problems replicating what I see in the software, while being transparent: So in the end, I would guess this extreme blurring is not natural. It's either a user error (please feel free to educate me on it), or it's a bug / something to be improved in the future? P.S. It's worth noting that illustrator has a number of helpful options when rasterising, that I expected to have control over in Designer as well. Such as the dpi to be rasterised in, the resampling method (Tinted for Typography can be useful in such cases) etc. I know Designer is still young, so consider it a feature request :)
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