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  1. I've discovered two text box related bugs that get in my workflow all the time. 1. Canvas resizing text box When you input new number of width or height by clicking on the box, it automatically selects the numeric portion without that "px". If you start typing, the first digit gets recorded and displayed in front of the "px", then the second digit will clear the entire box including the "px" instead of being appended to the first digit. Often I want to resize the canvas from the 4:3 ratio (5208x3888) to 3:2 (5208x3472). If I don't pay attention to the text box bug I will just resize the image to 5208x472 instead of 5208x3472 since the first digit "3" gets erased. 2. Color temperature text box in the development persona This text box itself has the unit "K" in there. When you click on the box the numeric portion is highlighted and the "K" is left alone. But if you only modify the numeric portion the "K" gets highlighted in red and the text box prompts a parsing error. Looks like the text box needs a regex to accept that "K".
  2. Hi, When I attempt to apply a saved preset, the WB setting isn't applying in the RAW personal unless I adjust TINT or TEMPERATURE. When I develop the image none of the preset develops with it. I then need to go do it again before it works. I've attempted to do all this with both linked and embedded RAW files with the same result. Video shows that when I go back into Develop persona to apply it the second time, the output preferences have now changed from linked to embedded as well. Additional bugs: Regardless of placement policy and my selection when editing, it changed RAW output to embedded once developed. Unable to adjust WB temperature with scroll wheel like you can with other RAW adjustment paramaters AP v2 bugs.mov
  3. In a previous thread the issue with the picker not adjusting the tint was said to be fixed in the upcoming 2.0.4. Alas, this does not seem to be the case. Unless I'm doing something wrong. Disappointing, as I use this a lot.
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