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  1. Hello, As said in the title, the export of the software does not offer a web format (html5 + CSS3) This could be a very good thing for brochures, documents, books that will only be used on websites. This format could for example be in the form of a pack containing the index.html page + the CSS3 style page + the multimedia folder containing the images, sounds, videos. Thank you.
  2. This product appears to be limited to paper and printing products. The world is moving to world wide internet consumption. Last month we upgraded our connection to Fiber Optic Gigabit (1000mbps) cable. After reviewing all the small tutorials, I can see similarities to: Native web page design products; output packages for email display but not .exe flavor; output packages for embedding into our html5 web page; output packages that can be downloaded to be displayed on mobile devices across universal HTML 5 web browsers using WebGL and CL video drivers; output packages that are designed to be responsive. Meaning to be displayed on a variety of screen sizes 5 to 32 + inch screen sizes; Linked external or embedded graphics should include: Video clips and 360° imaging. Affinity Photo also editing 360° equirectangle 2:1 aspect ratio imaging. Good work so far Dave still at http://360texas.com
  3. Since some of us have been using Designer as a sudo publishing app I naturally attempted to transfer/convert my Designer to a Publisher document. Well the good news is you can open the a Designer file straight in publisher the bad news is that's about it. Publisher right now doesn't give any options on how to translate or configure the file. Same goes for when "placing" a document, in particular a designer one, but I'll get to that later. So here are somethings that could be useful: 1. Publisher could give the option to read in all or selected Designer's Art boards as pages.(Preferred) 2. Publisher could give the option to read in all or selected Designer's "Slices" as pages, and or possibly converting the "Slices" feature into a "slices" adaptation in Publisher as well. 3. Publisher could also give the option to read in and convert Designer's vectors into Publishers vector when embedded. 4. Publisher could also give the option to read in and convert Designer's document color palettes into Publishers color palette. As for the placement feature in Publisher: 1. Again give the option to read in all or selected Designer's Art boards(Preferred) or slices as pages. 2. Right now placement adheres to the Publisher's document size which is strange especially when the imported document is larger than Publisher's document size. I don't mind Publisher centering on the upper lefthand corner of the placed document, but it would be useful if it would respect the it's original size and allow it to move/slide it around with in the Publishers adjustment frame. Overall UI features that would be useful.. This may have been covered somewhere, so I'm sorry if it has: 1. Color coding for the layers that's represented in the layers themselves and in the vector lines and frames. 2. A "slices" or layer parsing feature like in Designer. 3 Epub exporting with interactive links. 4. Of course that would mean Interactive links features that would be support in Epub documents. These are possibly forward thinking but not really all that radical in nature especially in this ePub era: 1. This may sound crazy but today I don't think it really is, but maybe have an HTML5 feature or robust implementation and export, which of course would mean. 2. Movie and gif import capabilities or links sourcing links vimeo, youtube, flicker, google maps and the like and so on. 3. Front end for database configurations for sql, filmmaker, excel, numbers and what ever other mainstream databases there are. 4: Password protection and sign in features. 5. Some site analytics feature sourcing and so on. Whatever makes sense. (I used iWeb in the past which was extremely rudimentary, so I think making this sort of leap isn't that far fetched and I believe it would truly cement publisher's title and a true Publishing App) 6. Dashboard or Web Clip exporting. 7. Mobile device configurations/presets and deployments and or exports. 8. Simple Xcode export for UI with some possible simple interactive coding included. 9. ftp site uploading and updating features. Well that's it for now.
  4. When exporting to SVG, is it possible to get HTML5 output without putting every property into styles? Example: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?><!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd"> <svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 300 57" version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xml:space="preserve" style="fill-rule:evenodd;clip-rule:evenodd;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-miterlimit:1.5;"> <rect x="78.614" y="8.716" width="220.68" height="14" style="fill:#e0e0e0;"/> <ellipse cx="28.992" cy="28.132" rx="24.492" ry="23.632" style="fill:none;stroke:#e0e0e0;stroke-width:9px;"/> </svg> According to https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Attribute#Core_attributes this can be written like this (looking only at the rect and ellipse): <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?><!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN" "http://www.w3.org/Graphics/SVG/1.1/DTD/svg11.dtd"> <svg width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 300 57" version="1.1" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" xml:space="preserve" style="fill-rule:evenodd;clip-rule:evenodd;stroke-linecap:round;stroke-linejoin:round;stroke-miterlimit:1.5;"> <rect x="78.614" y="8.716" width="220.68" height="14" fill="#e0e0e0"/> <ellipse cx="28.992" cy="28.132" rx="24.492" ry="23.632" fill="none" stroke="#e0e0e0" stroke-width="9px" /> </svg> In my opinion this a more modern and cleaner way of writing SVG.
  5. AFFINITY PUBLISHER & DIGITAL PUBLICATIONS "Affinity Publisher will be crafted to help professional designers get the very best results on every layout, page, magazine, book, and digital publication, with stunning typography and vibrant colour." I don't know if this is jumping the gun but... As a user of PagePlus, Quark Xpress, and InDesign I can tell you that PagePlus is up there when it comes to paper-based publishing. However, PagePlus has always fallen short in the area of digital publishing. The audio and video players embedded in PDF files looked really bad in comparison to InDesign produced PDF files with audio and video files embedded within. InDesign one is able to output to Flash (at least when I was using version 5 of the Adobe Suite). Sure, Flash is dead. One of the attributes that I would like within Affinity Publisher would be to create beautiful, elegant looking PDF files with audio and video embedded. The HTML5 Another attribute would be to export to HTML5... Here I envisage web-like pages that can include PowerPointesque slideshows; magazine style web pages and so on. I would imagine that HTML5 could create and include some nice transitions between pages/slides. EPUB Oh! Yes! When it came to EPublications, PagePlus was abysmal. I would want the EPUB capabilities to produce excellent and consistent results each and every time. MOBILE APPS & EXES I would also like Affinity Publisher to produces APKs for Android and the equivalent for iOS apps. I would imagine that this can be achieved by using a combination of HTML5 and Java. NO WEBPLUS EQUIVALENT??? I think it was Alfred who stated that there will be no WebPlus equivalent in the Affinity range and that web page production will not be supported in the forthcoming Affinity Publisher. Is that correct? That would be a terrible shame as WebPlus is such a decent web design application. Affinity Publisher, in theory, could pick up the web design slack. I always appreciated that PagePlus could output pages to HTML. As you can tell from the above text that I am hoping that Affinity Publisher would feature HTML5 output. I do think that web pages and web design are evolving into what I would call "Channels" whereby the web page is looking pretty much like a TV channel - especially now that video has become a major part of the web. I reckon that a "Channel" approach to web pages produced with Affinity Publisher may be the way to go. Well, that's my 2 cents worth! Oh, did I say that I am very curious about Affinity Publisher? :lol:
  6. Stuff I would really love to see in Affinity Publisher! Affinity Publisher Document export into HTML5 files. Mobile Templates: iPhone, iPad etcs Easy beautiful animations. Audio features. :)
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