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Found 9 results

  1. Hi, Currently, the only way to blend objects in Affinity is to use the gradient tool and copy object 1000 times. A dedicated Blend Tool would simplify this process and save time for users. Current method: Suggested (like Xara Designer or Adobe Illustrator):
  2. Hello everyone, This is my subjective list of missing tools I would like to see in upcoming updates. It will definatly speed up my workflow, right now I have to find a workaround, which sometimes is frustrating 😞 BTW: What is your missing feature ?
  3. Blend tool (object blending) has been requested since 2015. It's a crucial part of doing parametric / creative work. Any chance to put in onto priority / pipe? Thanks
  4. I'm trying to create a curve evenly distributed between two other curves, but can't figure out how to do it in Affinity Designer on my iPad. I've attached an example of what I'm trying to do. I would like to have the red line to be exactly in the middle of the two other black curves. I'm a little new to Affinity Designer. I know this can be done easily on Illustrator using the Blend Tool, but I don't believe that exists on the iPad version of Affinity Designer. Any suggestions/help would be appreciated.
  5. Good day! "Blend Tool" – this tool is very necessary! Implement this feature in the near future! For Affinity Designer iPad / Affinity Designer Desktop 46F07FED-A555-49E2-BDCE-EA1BC171475F.MP4 4A4D0F1E-0960-456A-AE7C-FD4315D2E9F7.MP4
  6. Hi, I am using Aff. Designer for a while and I like it very much... Still, I miss few things which would be nice to be included in future updates: 1. Blend tool (to blend two drawings in desired steps...) 2. Better transform possibilities of objects (perspective, warp...) 3. Nodes transformation - to be able to transform group of nodes (to rotate and resize them).
  7. These tools have probably been requested already but I'd thought another member asking can only speed things up. I loved the blend tool in drawplus, and always craved the mesh warp tool, but it never arrived, although it was in pageplus for some reason. I've only had Affinity for one day so I'm sure there are work-arounds I haven't found yet, but please Serif, bring them back soon. Thanks.
  8. Since I have Serif Drawplus I Noticed some features that Drawplus has that affinity does not. These two tools I really enjoyed in Drawplus and thought it could be very useful in the AD. They are the Blend Tool and the Shadow tool. the blend too is really cool for blending different objects together to make some nice affects. The drop shadow tool is so easy to use. This makes applying shadows much easier; however, I know there are other ways to apply shadow. I did not see any way to apply the blends, though and I don't know a work around for that. Something else I was looking for was a replicate option. Did not see this when I looked in designer. I regards to the gradient tool. I think it would be good to have it be able to follow a curve, Such as in the case of an S, where currently the Gradient is limited to certain options like Linear, radial, etc. This leaves an S with only the top and bottom of the S getting part of the gradient and the other side the opposite instead of the entire right getting the darker and the entire left getting the liker or ice versa. In the image, If you can see it, I have a line down the center of the S design in which there is bleed over from one side to the other. I feel that if the gradient could follow this line it would solve this issue. I'm sure there are professional that can work around this issue, but I am not a pro. I am a home tinkerer. This program appeals to me as has the other Serif products I have purchased because they are affordable to the lay person. I also like the transparency tool, but I don't know if it is possible, but the transparency is applied directly to the layer the transparency is applied to. I think it should have at least a sublayer or it's own adjustment layer clipped to the layer the effect is being appied to. Just some thoughts to consider. Thank you guys for this wonderful program. You are great. Billy
  9. Hi, I have been excited about Affinity Designer for a while, however I still haven’t made the complete jump from Illustrator as, in the past Affinity lacked features which I use daily in my workflow, hence it just hasn’t been practical to make the jump. Do I want to jump, hell yeah, I think Adobe take the p**s with the amount they charge. So due the work I do, I am looking for the AD equivalent of the following, if there is one? Object / Transform / Move, Rotate, Scale and so forth is a god send. Blend tool, again this is a must for concentric shapes. Vector brushes? I create a lot of charts and use brushes in illustrator to create mathematically correct pie charts. Donuts with filled colours which match the required percentage. Tutorials for AD equivalent would be perfect, I not looking for AD to be the same, just have something similar to these features. Thanks Grant
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