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  1. Hi (from a beginner) Context: I want to rotate of a few degrees a part of raster image 1- I "rectangular select" the part of the image I want to rotate. 2- I select the "move" tool. The corresponding settings appear in the top horizontal "setting bar", especially the "Enable transform origin" 3- I click the "Enable transform origin" and the button becomes grey as expected. The bug (my bug or photo bug?): Very often (i.e., not systematically! See exceptions below) the small icon "+ within circle" appears nowhere within the image and it is thus impossible to set the origin of the trenaformation. Whatever I unselect and redo steps 1 to 3, I disable and re-enable the "trasnform origin", the "+ within circle" does not appear. NB: I have even placed a horizontal and a vertical guide to locate the middle of the selected rectangle where the "+ within circle" should appear at first, and it is lacking! My eyes are thus not faulty, I guess… Exceptions: — After launch of Photo the "enable tarnsform origin" is always working properly at first use. I use this trick to recover the "transform origin" by storing my file, quiting Photo, and restarting Photo. But this is time consuming! — If, after unsuccesful attempts to enable transformation origin, I decide to make some other operations (Paint brush, clone brush, persepctive tool…), and then I come back to steps 1-3 above, sometimes (not always!) the "+ within circle" origin is again available! However the availabilty seems to take place at random… Suggestion: I think that the "transform origin" should be enabled by default (not disabled by default!). I even consider that it should be always enabled: who would really needs to disable this origin? If I remember well, it is always enabled in Photoshop… Final Remark: sorry for my Frenglish… Have a good week-end!
  2. When I click the rotate cross hair button bar so that I can pick a point to rotate my selection, it shows up way off the document out in gray space sometimes way, way out in space. When I try to move it back onto the page it moves with the select tool however when I let it go it bounces off the document again in another spot. This happened in V1 and I remember reading how to fix it but I can't find where it was I read it. I really hate bother you guys with so many problems and I do search for answers Affinity help, this site and the google before I annoy you. I may not be wording my questions correctly. I do appreciate all your help though.
  3. 1. Make a lasso selection on a pixel layer in Affinity Photo (or Photo Persona in Affinty Publisher) 2.Switch to move tool (topmost black arrow tool) and turn on "show transformation pivot" in options bar 3. Move the pivot (blue crosshair in circle) to some place other than the center of the selection 4. Adjust the transformation and switch to lasso tool to do a different selection somewhere else 5. Switch to move tool again with activated "show transformation pivot" 6. The pivot is now hard to find. It jumped (randomly, as it seems) somewhere outside the selection. It can be detected by rotating the selection with the move tool and looking for the rotation center. In Publisher it sometimes even jumps to another page. A "reset pivot to center" option doesn't seem to exist. Thus there's no other way than searching for the pivot each time after it has been moved from the selection center for an earlier selection. It would be much better to reset the pivot to the selection center each time a new selection was made. (Affintiy Photo Windows)
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