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  1. ... sorry to say - from my point of view - Adobe. Perhaps my fault, because I was not able to find the correct settings. For both applications all automatic corrections were turned off. a) Both images do not differ too much, the Adobe version is a little bit more vivid. The biggest difference is the spotlight at right. Just have a look at the spot the spotlight produces on the floor. Where there is still texture in the Adobe version, the Affinity version creates more or less a light spot. b) Things get more dramatic, when coming to correction. With Adobe I used the Automatic correction, which looked "fairly" good for this underexposed image. Next I was trying to get the Adobe result and tried to translate the Adobe values to Affinity, but I never came close. Main problem I see here is how exposure works in Affinity. Where exposure is much more subtle in Adobe, you have to give a much higher value with Affinity to come near to same brightness. So, what is my fault and how to prevent? Images are attached.
  2. Closing an image with the X-Button always meant to me aborting / discarding of actions / changes and closing the window. In the Develop Persona it gets more complicated. If you want to close the window with the image you'll get the warning "The current file is being developed. Please complete or cancel before closing the document.". Then you have to press the OK-Button (Action 1), then press the Cancel-Button (Action 2), then press the Yes-Button (Action 3). Pretty much action for simply closing a window and aborting everything in my opinion.
  3. Affinity Publisher Version: I have Problems using Subscript and Superscript (not matter if Calibri, Arial, etc.) See the picture attached.
  4. Just for the records. Nothing to worry about. When you try to resize a "document" in AD or AP the lock icon for the aspect ratio is locked on default. This is not the case in APu.
  5. 1. Create two elements and select them. 2. Use Alignment button from the top toolbar and pick Space Horizontally or Space Vertically. 3. Uncheck Auto distribute and fill in 0,75 mm and hit tabulator or enter key. Result: The value in the input field jumps to 1 mm. In fact the distance is correct, but not the shown value. To avoid the next question: I have 3 decimal places set as preference for millimetre.
  6. 1. Create a style for a text frame in APu where the text is vertically centered. 2. Export the Styles Category. 3. Import the Styles Category in AP. Result: Everything works, but the text is not vertically centered aligned anymore. Textboxen.afstyles
  7. You can use arrowheads in Decorations, but if you change the width of the stroke afterwards the arrowheads vanish (revert to none), so you have to select the arrowheads again.
  8. Strange bug indeed. For proof reading purposes I printed recently some pages (300dpi) on my HP Laserjet 5035. To my surprise circles with no fill and an outline printed as filled circles (0,5 mm -> 5 mm, 1 mm -> 6 mm, 2 mm -> ~ 7 mm). This only happens, when the circles are rotated. Not my fault, imported from PDF. Rotation is -88,6°. File for testing is attached. rotated-circles.afpub
  9. Stumbling (again? Topic sounds so familiar to me, but again means not fixed in the meantime) upon this while opening an IDML with a footer meant to be vertically centered in a text frame and the text was not vertically centered. Text Frame Baseline Alignment was off, Paragraph Baseline Alignment was off. But the Baseline Grid was used in the Baseline Grid Manager. I am wondering what the functions calculate to produce the result shown in the attached image. The image shows that text is not aligned to the grid and it is not vertically centered.
  10. Depending on your scaling you'll see a part from the mesh on the Before area when in Mirror View. See image. Just a cosmetic thing with no impact on the result.
  11. Maybe covered elsewhere? Right now I am making a bunch of icons on one page, so there are a lot of elements (layers). Unfortunately I did not plan well, making for every icon a new "parent" layer. Creating a "parent" layer and moving elements to them can be quite tedious scrolling and dragging all the time. So a kind of fly-out menu would be nice, where I can specify to which "parent" layer the selected elements belong to.
  12. 1. Create a Marquee selection. 2. Menu "Select" -> "Outline". First the selection vanishes due to the default radius of 0px. 3. Change the radius to 1px. Depending on the zoom factor you probably won't see the selection anymore. 4. Click Apply and the selection vanishes.
  13. AFAIK Affinity Photo does not support clipping paths (Beschneidungspfad in German, don't know the appropriate translation to English). At least it seems so, when I open a PSD with a clipping path in APh. And I am not talking here about vector masks which work with APh. To my surprise APu does understand clipping paths when I open an IDML. I saved a simple Indesign file as IDML, unzipped it and looked through all the XML files in there. In Spreads/Spread_ucf6.xml you'll find the clipping path coordinates. I am no programmer, but it appears to me that the path information is somehow saved along with the PSD and Indesign is able to extract it and write it to IDML. Is this information so deeply locked inside the PSD, that APh is not able to extract it? Preserving /understanding clipping paths in APh would be extremely helpful, because I have tons of PSD files with clipping paths and opening all files and creating a vector mask for APh is no joy.
  14. Not a big thing, because I use it seldom. All elements seem to be copied (from to the clipboard with 72dpi or pasted from the clipboard (to with 72dpi. Copying from to works perfectly.
  15. I know that my mouse is not best piece of hardware, but probably not the hardware is to blame? Whenever I try to move the slider for Grow / Shrink I end up in too big steps, which are 7,1px steps, next 14,2px and so on. I have to type in the value manually. Is there any solution aside from buying a new mouse?
  16. I was playing around with a file posted by another user in the forums, and happened to draw a rectangle on top of it, and then tried to set the stroke to a dashed line. It does not work, remaining a solid line stroke. On a new document, or other documents, the dashed line stroke works as I expect. For this file (below) the problem occurs in both 1.7 and 1.8. This is the 1.7 version of the file. dashed-stroke-problem2.afdesign
  17. Seldom that this will happen, but today I had this case helping someone on the forum. 1. Open an APu file with missing linked images. 2. Change the colour profile in Document Setup. Result: Image previews disappear. Interesting: Seems to be, that only previews for JPG and TIF vanish (others not tested), preview for PSD is intact. You can test with the attached file. vanishing-preview.afpub
  18. Lets say you have only an A3 office printer, but you want to make an A0 banner. No problem, just use Model: Tiled in the printing dialogue. Set your printing marks and overlapping, use a long rule and a pencil to draw the outer edge of the tiled pages and start to cut with your scissor. Good luck with stitching the pages together. Unfortunately we have no tiling marks to align the pages properly. I would call it a bug instead a feature request. If Serif devlivers the ability to tile, then there must be tiling marks, else the tiling option is pretty senseless IMO.
  19. When Spell Check is turned on, URLs will always be marked as wrong. So e.g. for www.serif.com serif and com seem to be wrong. So it would be nice if I can select the whole URL (or any other term separated by full stops) and select Learn Spelling.
  20. Maybe covered elsewhere, but I did not found at once. Inside Resource Manager you can turn linked images / files into embedded ones and you can make them linked again. But this is not working for PDF, SVG and PSD (found those three so far). Would be good if re-linking is working for all file types.
  21. When I print to my HP 5035 one (cropped) image has a small black line beneath it. The image once was rotated, so I brought it back to 0°, but the line was still there. Interestingly the same image (a bit smaller) placed on the same page printed without line beneath. Export to PDF and printing shows no line. Example file attached. image-with-thin-line.afpub
  22. I consider this a bug, but perhaps it is just bad UI design so the mods should feel free to move this post. Sometimes it can be difficult to resize the last column or row of a table, because you hit the arrows for adding columns / row or nothing happens. Sometimes it works with the first try, sometimes I need to try three or four times. It feels like it is getting more difficult, when the zoom factor to the page increases. Feature request: Move adding columns / rows to the Table panel. I do not see the benefit of the dialogue box attached to the table over input fields in the panel. And if anyone is going to ask: I just want the last column / row resized without changing the width / height by using the SHIFT modifier.
  23. 1. Make new document, leave it unsaved 2. Exit the application Result: Publisher is not asking if I want to save the open document, it simply exits. I believe I reported this earlier: Having an unsaved document open, change the language in preferences, Publisher gives the warning about the restart, save the document now -> Publisher does not restart.
  24. Sometimes I am not able to see how certain things can be achieved. What I want: 1. Table with black outline 2. Cells with bottom border in orange, but not overlapping the black outline 3. Snapping the outer edge of the table to guidelines or margin. See attached image. Whatever I try I can not solve this. Table on the left has the correct design, but is not snapping with the outer edge whereas the right table is snapping, but has the wrong design. Who can help me out?
  25. Maybe there is a valid workflow for resizing picture frames. Sure, basic knowledge, but right now I am stuck / puzzled / astonished / clueless. 1. Create picture frame, place image inside and scale the image inside proportionally with 200% around the centre. 2. Place another image (smaller than the picture frame to see the effect) and move it into the picture frame on top of the other image. 3. Now resize the picture frame with the handles or the Transform panel. What I want: Just make the picture frame a bit higher from top (best with the Transform panel for precision reasons). Properties of the picture frame are set to None. What I not want: Use the Crop tool to make the picture frame bigger, this is a manual way. Result: The upper image gets distorted, the lower image shrinks to the width of the upper image. Example file attached. imagescaling.afpub
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