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  1. Hi, I'm up against a project deadline, so I can't provide a nice, concise example, but I've encountered a repeatable crash situation with Publisher. I compose a 40-page quarterly magazine, and for each issue, I usually begin with a copy of the previous issue's Publisher file, delete the contents, and then fill it with the new content. Most of the pages consist of two text frames, side-by-side to create two-column text. The frames are linked for the length of each (mostly multi-page) articles. The crash occurs after I attempt to double-click in one of the empty text frames to generate an insertion cursor, after which I paste in an entire article's text, copied from a submitted Word file. This what happens: I double-click in the text frame, which is on the left page (I have "facing pages" displayed) but I don't get an insertion cursor. Looking closely, I notice that the frame I'm clicking in is linked to by a frame on the previous page, so I realize that I need to remove the link. So I scroll up toward the page that contains the link origin, and when I press the Shift key to use the mouse wheel to horizontally scroll to the right, Publisher completely disappears with no warning. After further experimentation, I've found that the "scroll up" isn't necessary. All I have to do to crash Publisher is to double-click on an empty text frame that's linked to by one on the previous page and then depress the Shift key, after which Publisher just "disappears" and I have to restart it. I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced this, and can replicate it. For now, I've archived the file that demonstrates this behavior, and when I have the time, I'll try to distill that file to a simpler version that demonstrates the same problem Thanks, Ken
  2. Mac Monterey (24inch imac) This morning I could select multiple images to paste on a page. Then downloaded Publisher 1.10.5 and now I can paste the first image but then it takes seconds to select next from the column of images and then I may get the beach ball of death. Have shut down and restarted Mac - no difference, tried a different set of selected image - no difference. Images are about 250K each from a folder. Help - or can I go back to a perfect 1.10.4?
  3. The first test with the 1.10.5 update creates a freeze of AP. terminated only by task manager. The beta has not this problem at all. This is thew same prblem what you have before. So its not working. also the is no error report made. Have test this also from Designer out , and also the AP is freezed up. Designer it self is working. brush 1_10_5.wmv
  4. In the US English version of the Pencil Tool Help for AD on iPad the caption for the illustration reads “Stabilised pencil strokes.” It should say “Stabilized”. Likewise, the next sentence below the caption refers to “the Stabiliser feature”.
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