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  1. Good morning, I switched from Affinity 1 to Universal Licence Affinity V2. When I use Affinity publisher on my iPad I cannot open a file stored on google Drive. I just cannot tap on it to open it. But if I move the file to the Affinity publisher folder stored locally, then it works! Why? Not being able to work on afpub files stored online defeat the purpose of working seamlessly between Mac and iPad How can I solve that? Thank you very much Sapaka
  2. Hey community! The title actually says it all. I've been using this incredibly useful little feature ever since I learned it decades ago (when I was working with Adobe applications), and was very happy to find it right from Affinity’s first ever release (?) in the shortcuts menu: »Set Fill to Black and White«. It's particularly useful in Designer when you need to quickly reset the base colours of your shapes, but also in Photo, especially as all the apps in the suite work so seamlessly together. However, using this shortcut in Photo with an active Fill Layer in the layers panel completely breaks it, like … irreversibly. Not even the »Revert defaults« button (if added in the toolbar) can revive its initial state! ☹️ Steps to Reproduce: Set up a shortcut under Shortcuts → Miscellaneous → Set Fill to Black and White. Note: There's no menu item for this option at all, it's only accessible via a keyboard shortcut, factory default is D. Create a Fill Layer. Select Fill Layer (if not already active) in the layers panel. Use the designated shortcut previously assigned to Set Fill to Black and White. Expected Behavior: I’m actually not sure what I expected. 😅 Probably a reset to white? But I'm not sure about the stroke, since a fill layer is practically borderless. And I suppose that might be the reason why it breaks. Current Behavior: The Fill layer turns transparent and stops responding to any changes of color or other fill. As mentioned, Set Fill to Black and White completely breaks the layer irreversible. You have to delete the layer and create a new one. I'm having the same problem on MacOS and Windows, but as I'm sitting in front of a Mac at the moment (and since the forum is lacking a thread for bugs that affect the application regardless of OS), I'm going to post it here. Can someone verify this? Cheers Dennis aka The Guy With All the Fill Layer Issues 🥲
  3. When you export to TIFF or JPEG and the keywords are comma delimited only the last keyword entered shows up in the exported file. This same thing happens on iPad with latest updates and Mac running Big Sur OS. This has also been reported in the Mac version portion of the forum. UPDATE: Tried to test on iPad by changing commas to semicolons. In multiple tries the keywords field was no updated after clicking OK. I believe there is a serious problem with the whole keywords module when it comes to editing and exporting. 2ND UPDATE:This morning I tested by exporting a JPG file with several keywords. Like previously when I checked to see if keywords were fully copied to the JPG file only the last keyword in the list was this displayed. However, I then did something I didn't think of doing yesterday when testing, I opened the same JPG in the software NeoFinder and all keywords were displayed. So, there is a problem with the way keywords are being handled but it appears that they are not being lost upon export. Instead it appears to be the display of all keywords in JPG and TIF files generated by AP. Hope this info helps.
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