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Posts posted by VectorCat

  1. If you post a file that shows the problem then that will help us give feedback. If the object is more than 1/8 pixel over the boundary then I would expect the export slice to be bigger.

    if an object is more than an integer number of pixels X and Y, then I would also expect AD to size up each dimension to the next nearest whole pixel size. 


    However, such is not the case with my objects. They are all whole-pixel sizes ( I typed the dimension into the transform palette when I created them) and AD is set to snap to pixel.


    It'd be real nice if that's all that's required.  ;-)

  2. One thing I just learned is that Affinity will not necessarily show truth in positioning.


    Meaning: Transform palette will show that an object falls on a whole pixel, but the object isn't necessarily ON that whole pixel.


    Suggestion: Make AD show accurate information: If I'm not on a whole pixel, show this to me!


    I have snap to pixel  activated..seems that isn't quite enough, which makes for a workflow fraught with uncertainty and tedium.


    Please make this better!

  3. I am just not understanding why, when it comes to creating a slice for export, that AD adds a pixel to one or both dimensions?


    I am extremely careful...meticulous in my work, to ensure that my items conform to pixel dimensions, yet, when I get to the create slice stage, there's an extra pixel that gets thrown in!


    Is AD doing something, perhaps according to design, but which could be brought inline with human needs?


    I have an item that's 400px x 400px and if I make a slice from that object, the slice ought to be be 400px x 400px, not 401px x 400px.


    Any insights?

  4. It's not clear to me how AD's object-selection model works.


    Sometimes, when I click on a grouped object, only a child object becomes active. Yet, when I try to click on child objects within groups, often it's their parent which becomes active.




    What's the answer to selecting the items you're after, whether they're in groups or not?


    I'm actually finding this to be a crippling, work-stopping issue. I simply can NOT select the items I desire to select no matter tools I use or clicking directly on said item in the layers panel.


    Thank you,





  5. Whatever the cause is, it is destroying the elegant work flow that AD or this document had had. I am extremely methodical in my work, and I take great pains to ensure my sizes and positioning. I have no hint of why this used to work but now does not. I need to take the images exported from AD, then fix their sizes in Pixelmator!


    Can someone explain to me please why my integer-sized items positioned on integer pixel coordinates have different sizes upon slicing?  This thing is a torpedo!

  6. The computer I'm on now is a Mac Book Pro with a 23" external serving as the "main" monitor; the MBPro own display, I like to use for tool palettes.


    Just now, dragging a compound palette — layers, colors, stroke and several others — from the larger to the smaller monitor, the palette made itself much smaller, names went to single letters. I can't get it back to the way it was!


    I assume that this is meant to be a helpful feature..How can I get things back to the way I need them to be?


    Thank you!

  7. working on an "info-graphic" for weather. 


    Imagine a cloud shape, stroke-only; no fill. Behind it the sun, peeking out. Solid yellow fill circle.


    How would you clip out the part of the sun which is "inside" the cloud's stroke? I can get only the part of the sun that's inside the cloud's stroke to show, hiding what's outside the cloud's stroke, but not the other way..


    I'm positive there's a way..I'll keep working at it. Thanks for any clues!



  8. Have other designers and illustrators using AD found that they can pretty much stay "in the tool" and not go to Pixelmator or  Affinity Photo for raster elements?


    Is it possible to do it all, or most of it all right within AD?


    I've been away from AD for awhile, and the new video clip I saw this morning on facebook blew my socks off all over again.



  9. What I mean is that if I use things like shadows in InDesign, before long, the computer is on its knees, trying constantly to draw the shadows, or what have you.


    Is it the same in AD, that if I have more and more items with shadows, or gaussian blur, etc, the CPU will work harder and harder to draw it all?


    And I don't mean just in the creating of the shadow, blur, etc, but after they've been created, do they still make heavy CPU demands?


    Thank you

  10. I get the crop tool, and I get making an image larger, but I don't see how to keep my crop size while scaling the image it contains.


    I'm sure this is extremely simple..can anyone share the method?

    Thank you!




    Never mind...discovered the answer! For those with the same question, I scaled my image to the desired size, then adjusted the cropping to it's desired size. With the crop tool selected, you can scoot the image around inside the crop area.

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