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William Overington

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Everything posted by William Overington

  1. @Alfred If you, or indeed anyone else, wants to have a play/experiment with encoding you are welcome to use codes that start with !828 and have eight more digits and/or !919 and nine more digits. I tend to avoid zeros but you do not need to do so, I tend to avoid having two digits the same next to each other but you do not need to do so. Two chapters of this second novel have a coding example. http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~ngo/localizable_sentences_the_second_novel_chapter_002.pdf http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~ngo/localizable_sentences_the_second_novel_chapter_006.pdf These documents are relevant to following the above encoding example. http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~ngo/locse027.pdf http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~ngo/localizable_sentences_the_novel_chapter_042.pdf William
  2. Ah, but that date is when the video was added to YouTube not necessarily when it was produced. For example, I remember this programme when it was new in the 1990s, yet the video is listed as added to YouTube three years ago. So, here as an example, yet please enjoy as a serendipitous experience. Later in the video there is some wonderful singing from Edith Prock. William
  3. I now realize a better way to have proceeded. The original image was 1024 pixels square and I started a 1024 pixels square canvas and put the original image in a layer then drew in a new layer with a rounded chalk brush that was supplied as 48 pixels wide and I reduced it to 15 pixels wide. I now realize that I should have enlarged a copy of the original image to 3072 pixels square and used a canvas of 3072 pixels square and drawn with the rounded chalk brush at the supplied width of 48 pixels, because for what I was doing any chunkiness in the enlarged copy of the original picture was not an issue. William
  4. Do we know when that was recorded please? William
  5. The document mentions the integral sign and circled digits, and those can still be used, but please read it as the same for an exclamation mark and ordinary digits respectively as that is a later additional format. The documents and the slide show were all made using Serif PagePlus. The font was made using High-Logic FontCreator. William
  6. Er, no, .... Are they? I am not sure. Certainly lots of possibilities. But infinite? There is a specification. http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~ngo/An_encoding_space_designed_for_application_in_encoding_localizable_sentences2.pdf That and other documents are available on the following web page. http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~ngo/localizable_sentences_research.htm The codes used in the novels are compatible with the codes in the research documents. William
  7. Other princesses with four cylinders from the 1930s. LMS Princess Royal Class - Wikipedia William
  8. I have today written and published Chapter 56. http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~ngo/localizable_sentences_the_second_novel_chapter_056.pdf 21.91 kilobytes. William
  9. I sent Chapter 48 in PDF document format for Legal Deposit at 11:25 am today. I received a reply, (not automated) acknowledging receipt at 12:20 pm. William
  10. If anyone is interested, the first novel, together with the author notes made as I proceeded, are available, free to read, no registration needed nor sought, as follows. http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~ngo/novel_plus.htm Documents about the research upon which the novel is based and a slideshow are located as follows. http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~ngo/localizable_sentences_research.htm William
  11. The altered version is now the version to which the link in the first post of this thread now links. William
  12. Ah yes. I meant to include them but forgot and now I have altered them, but it was three numbers r, g, b each in the low 30s, but not all exactly the same value. I have also altered the line spacing to 16 point, though Affinity Publisher calls it Leading, but for me, having done handset metal typesetting and printing, it is 2 point leading, as the type is 14 point, as the leading in letterpress printing - it still survives, though much less so than when it was mainstream in the 1960s - is strips a bit shorter than type high, which is used to separate each line of metal type from the next line of metal type, having the effect of spacing, visible on the printed paper, and keeping the type from all falling about. Though I don't know how Affinity does type size, but some years ago I noticed that then (I don't know if it is still the same) Microsoft Windows had the point size as the space above the type font baseline, and descenders were not included, whereas in metal type the point size was the vertical height (on the page) of the piece of metal type, regardless of the size of the printing glyph upon it. William
  13. Thank you. How do I make it the same as it was then now please? I suppose that it will need to go onto three pages, but that is not an issue. I also noticed that the ink is not so dark. After publication I noticed that the ink colour in Affinity Publisher is set at I am unsure whether that is the default setting or something that I have set perhaps some time ago, but I don't remember doing so. William
  14. In 2009 I invented a concept that I call localizable sentences. In June 2016, faced with not having made progress with getting others interested in the invention, I decided to try to write a novel about a fictional research centre where people are working on research and development of the invention. Unlike the advised way to write a novel of writing it all first then try to find a publisher, I decided to self-publish in PDF format on the web, publishing each chapter soon after writing it. I know, I know, but maybe I would never have finished it otherwise. I used Serif PagePlus to produce the PDF documents. Yet I did finish it, in February 2019. Yet I missed writing the novel, so I started a sequel, my second novel. I gradually wrote over half of the novel. However, for a variety of reasons I had not written any more for a while. I found upon checking yesterday that I had not added any chapter since March 2022. So I decided to try to write some more, switching to using Affinity Publisher. The result is now in my webspace. http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~ngo/localizable_sentences_the_second_novel_chapter_048.pdf [Supplementary note of 21:27 British Summer Time Saturday 15 June 2024 The version on the web has been updated as a result of the discussion that follows this post. ] However, readers may like to start reading from Chapter 46 so as to follow this part of the story. http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~ngo/locse_novel2.htm Switching to Affinity Publisher was interesting. I needed to set the margins for the document differently from the default provided so as to be what were the default margins in PagePlus. Also, I used View Studio Fields so as to include my name, and the subject, taking care to use exactly the same format as in the previous PDF documents produced using PagePlus. Readers may notice the Venetian style font that I use for the text of the novel. It is Goudita SF and was bundled with some of the Plus range software. I like Venetian style fonts. William
  15. But is it mostly YouTube users who also visit this website who get most of the Affinity Hey Hey adverts? William
  16. I look at this website most days. Most days I play YouTube videos while eating my meals, I just put it on a playlist, maybe My Mix, maybe something else, and let it roll. Quite often, more and more often it seems, the Hey Hey Affinity advert gets included in the adverts. I have a licence for version 1 of each of all three programs. So all of the Hey Hey advertisement is rather superfluous as I know what is available. But why i am writing this post is because I wonder if most of what it costs Canva Affinity to advertise on YouTube is being spent on advertising to people who have already got the products rather than to people who have not. All this tracking of which web sites one is visiting resulting in advertisements for those products. Are other people who visit this website often getting lots of Affinity adverts? William
  17. Well, my experience is that AI generated art can result in beautiful pictures and it can result in rubbish pictures and many in between those two extremes. I have chosen to buy prints of some of those, produced from text prompts that I have authored, that, in my opinion, are good, and frame them. I am not meaning any great art quality prints and framing, just what are marketed as custom one-off photo greetings cards, (but it is not actually a photo that is needed, it is a jpg file, which may contain the information of a photo or of some other image) and frames that the supermarket sells as photo frames. And the Ai generated writing can be fascinating. Poems, stories, song lyrics. An amazing sonnet. William
  18. That is interesting. It has caused me to wonder if emotion in the text prompt can feed through into the generated image. William
  19. Oh, I thought that the big problem is that nobody knows how AI works! That's the worry! William
  20. In Affinity Designer, if one is writing a document and one wants to add another page, is the only way to do that to add a blank page, draw a text frame, then do that linking operation, every time? PagePlus had the facility (was it called Autoflow?) whereby when one got to the end of the page one could click on a button and a new page with the same size text frame was generated and the linking was automatic. Does Affinity Publisher have anything like that please? William
  21. When writing I have been using four dots (that is, four full stop characters) to indicate a pause within a line of spoken text. I know that three dots might well be more usual, but I don't want to change. Affinity Publisher is altering .... to be an ellipsis character of three dots and an extra dot. How do I turn that off please? I have been looking but I have not found it. William
  22. For the avoidance of doubt, it is a genuine, polite, request because I am complying with the rule that has been made, yet I opine that that rule is greatly restricting the discussion in this thread. William
  23. Could you possibly consider lifting the ban just for this thread please? I would like to link to some lovely examples of what I and a few others have produced, and I think it would allow this discussion to proceed better. William
  24. So not demonstrating that the saying Rubbish In Rubbish Out applies to Generative AI as it applies to all computer programs then? William
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