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  1. How long can Affinity Designer implement symmetric drawing? Just like Affinity photo, it's a very important feature for us and we're looking forward to it!
  2. When using Chinese, Kinsoku Characters is very bad, whether can be as convenient as Adobe Indesign,If you can pay attention to Chinese, the software will sell well!
  3. Export DWG format for iPad 3d modeling software,Implement more data interactions,Avoid us swapping formats with PC or MAC! Thank you!
  4. When drawing with apple pencil, can you achieve the curve closure, so as to ensure the complete shape effect,Hope to add this feature soon. Thank you!
  5. Hello! The affinity development team! Can developers add symmetric drawing feature in affinity designer for iPad? So we can instantly see the symmetry of the graph,Especially when we use the apple pencil。 This feature has been applied in many vector drawing software, hope developers can add this feature! Thank you!
  6. Hello! We often use a bluetooth keyboard to do this, and we really want affinity designer to support more keyboard shortcuts so we can work more efficiently. You can refer to the adobe lllustrator shortcut key, which conforms to the designer's usage habits.If you can do that, we'll abandon vector graphics on our computers. thank you!
  7. 1.Symmetrical drawing:(For some symmetric objects) https://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzcyNzA3NzIyOA==.html?spm=a2h3j.8428770.3416059.1 2.Close the path when the terminal is in this range.(Very important for drawing graphics) https://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzcyNzA3ODA4NA==.html?spm=a2h3j.8428770.3416059.1
  8. Hi! Can you send me an email? I send you video to explain this suggestion! thank you!
  9. 1.Symmetrical drawing:(For some symmetric objects) 2.Close the path when the terminal is in this range.(Very important for drawing graphics)
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