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  1. Ok! Thanks so much for he tips!! I like the idea of doing it in reverse like you say! I’ll have to look into Society 6! Never heard of that! Thanks again!
  2. I finally got it to export with the transparent background!!!!!! Thank ya'll so much for your help and patience with a newbie! Really appreciate everyone's willingness to help!!!
  3. Thanks for the tip! I uploaded an original photo of the artwork below if you happen to have time to look at it. Someone else suggested the selection tool as well. I still have to have to learn all the steps to select it and separate it from the background. The erase paper did pretty great for me but that was because my paper was white and that was what I wanted made transparent. I just couldn’t get it to save with the transparent background.
  4. Thank you for your response. So you are going around the entire subject’s perimeter to select it? Is that what you mean? I will have to watch more tutorials to figure out how you then cut it out or mask the background once you’ve completed your selection. Or if you could explain the steps without taking too much of your time I would so appreciate it!
  5. Here is a photo of the original artwork that I was working with (rather than a photo of my computer screen showing that it was saving it with the paper background as opposed to transparentthat I posted originally to show the problem. I’d love to see if any of you can tell me how to do this most efficiently. What I’ve done for now is use the eraser to erase the background by hand (and applied flood erase in some areas) and then added a layer of white behind it and exported as a png. It worked ok for my purpose right now because I am printing on white, but I’d like to know how to do it properly and more efficiently for future reference. Should the layer I’m working on not be the “background” layer possibly?
  6. Thank you for your response! I tried saving as a .png and it is still showing the background when I save and drop the image into a new document. I'll try a TIFF, now, too. But do you know of any online tutorials demonstrating this?
  7. I am new and have figured out how to brighten my photo of my original artwork (watercolor design) enough that I was able to get the erase paper feature to work. So now I have the gray and white checkerboard pattern that shows that the watercolor image is on a transparent background. How do I save it so that only the colored part is applied when I put it into another document. Do I need to either cut out the the color image from the transparent background or save it as a particular type of document so the transparency is saved. Right now when I try to expert it, it is still showing the white background. Thank you! I am sorry if this is something obvious. I am new to using Affinity Photo for this and have tried to search forums and online for something to clarify this and haven't found it.
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