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  1. I check back on this every year or so to see if I can buy Designer yet. Still not fixed 5 years on (Mac v1.10)... 😐 See you next year!
  2. For all those looking for a third party app until this is (finally) implemented this web app is very good: https://squoosh.app/ Code available on GitHub to run locally: https://github.com/GoogleChromeLabs/squoosh/
  3. Oh no! Another crucial feature missing from Affinity that I need to switch from Adobe. And not implemented after 5 years of people telling you how critical it is. Super disappointing. I love so many things about Affinity but its just missing too many fundamental features. This might not be a popular opinion but have you considered raising the price to pay for more developers? Or even make it subscription (much cheaper than Adobe please!). Non subscription I'm sure was a big selling point when you first released but honestly I think professionals at least are use to it now. Subscription clearly has its place in supporting developers invest in a product. I don't know, maybe I'm wrong, I definitely don't know squat about software development but something seems wrong here. You have a great product with an active interested community clearly pointing out critical missing features but you don't seem to be able to address them
  4. Checking back after 2 years to see if its worth purchasing yet. Disappointed bleed still doesn't work properly . Sending a big project to print is stressful enough without messing around with hacks, moving layers around out of order, to get bleed working. Something like bleed needs to be rock solid functionality before I trust it for production. Affinity?
  5. @R C-R Yes, I have placed it outside the artboard layer, the problem isn't making this bleed outline visible. The problem is that it is not possible to show the content in the bleed area without making the artboard bigger. Being able to see a bleed outline indicator is not so useful if you can't see the actual content in the bleed area.
  6. I am also intersted in seeing the bleed for documents using artboards. @MikeW Drawing a bleed line is useful to snap to but doesn't allow you to see the bleed since turning off "Clip to Canvas" is not available when working with artboards. The only way to see the bleed is to temporarily increase the size of the artboard itself. This is all very cumbersome.
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