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Jeremy Bohn

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Posts posted by Jeremy Bohn

  1. Hello,

    As described in this thread, I'd like to see an option for the Perspective tool to work more like Photoshop's. To me, Affinity's current tool isn't really perspective, it's just a Skew tool. You can hold the shift key to constrain the movement, but maybe an option could be added so when you move in one corner, the other corner moves in the exact same way so you get actual perspective? Not sure if I'm making sense here. Thanks!

  2. Hi everyone,

    Background: I'm new to Affinity and a Photoshop user since 1998. I can't justify paying Adobe's rental fee for the small amount I use it at home so many thanks to Affinity and the learning begins.


    Question: Is there a way to get the Perspective tool to work more like Photoshop? I'd like to drag in one handle and have the opposite handle move in the same amount. I was expecting the tool to work more like Photoshop. It really doesn't seem like perspective to me and really just a Skew tool.


    Thanks for your help!

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