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  1. Where can I download the latest free Affinity photo or affinity designer stuff like Luminance, Studio Retouch or Live Filters? Thanks.
  2. @v_kyr so you think it would be unrealistic for screen capture and/or crop into Affinity feature request? Just wondering about what you think about this.
  3. @walt.farrell yes you are correct there is a crop tool but it does not work outside of Affinity Photo or designer unlike the color picker.
  4. It would be nice if we will know this setting Walt. Thanks for the feedback Walt.
  5. This works John, very useful, thanks. Just wondering if Affinity Photo/Designer can do what Snipping Tool can?
  6. I did print screen but it prints all my 3 screens,I just want to capture contents in my Browser in one of my monitor in Windows 10.
  7. How do you capture images or contents in a Web Browser into Affinity Photo/Designer? Can you crop into Affinity?
  8. Hi, I can we have the ebook versions of the Affinity workbooks?
  9. Hi, I can we have the ebook versions of the Affinity workbooks?
  10. Hi does anyone knows the link of the complete list of free downloads for both affinity designer and photo?
  11. @HVDB Fotografie your answer is not helpful as always.
  12. I opened a raw image and set Detail Refinement Radius to 20% question is which part of image is affected and how many pixels are affected? Also what is an existing light pixel? What is the relation between Radius and amount?
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