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  1. Hang on, im completely confused. So your now saying you upload images to insta at 3000px? Surely thats a massive file size and will get compressed to hell? This is going against what you and everyone has said all throughout this thread isnt it? What and i not understanding here? Thank you
  2. One final question to all, what do i check with the 'more' screen when exporting? I know im meant to change ICC PROFILE to SRGB (i think?) but what about the other options? Thanks everyone
  3. I have to say your photos are absolutely beautiful. At what size do you upload to insta? i see 500px, is that correct? Well done
  4. Guys you've all been incredibly helpful, thank you very much. Ive been in this mindset (honestly) that 2048 is the higher pixel density which equals better quality. I use a MacBook retina 15" so maybe i notice when the quality isnt there due too lower res images but like a lot of you day most use smart phones. Thanks for your comment, the answer is no, im getting great results when i export from affinity, the pics look very professional, its only that social media upload i struggle with and i have GOT to nail this as social media will make up a lot of whats my business is once i go live. Thanks for your comment, i read this exact piece from facebook, saw they SUGGESTED 2048 and so i went along with it thinking it must be ok. TO EVERYONE Ok it makes sense now, apologies, im a bit of a newb at this but im learning. Im assuming then that when i upload to instagram, i need to go even smaller (because instagram is purely mobile only) Thank you guys, any more knowledge to share please feel free, i've got a lot to learn!
  5. Hi guys, im posting here as i've tried to find the answer to my question but im now really struggling. I've taken photos of all my new products for my website and im really happy with the quality, however when uploading to facebook they loose far too much quality and even go a little discoloured. Now as i can't find any step by step guides on how to export from Affinity and then upload to facebook, i've had to watch a similar video but with photoshop instead. IT SAYS.... Export at 2048 x 2048 Select SRGB Reduce file quality so file size is below 100kb I've uploaded the photo as it appears on my businesses facebook page. Note the discolouration on the concrete heads cheeks. Blurriness of the coloured pots and clock strap. I'm just not happy with it but what do you think? My competitors photos seem to be a little better Thank you all for any help you send my way, I'm in need of it! Steve
  6. Hi guys, im doing my first photography session for my new business tomorrow. Im think im about ready to go but im struggling with one thing. Im metering my main flash light followed by my fill light to F10 but when i take a shot the image is coming out slightly blown out. Any ideas where im going wrong? I mean i can adjust the exposure in affinity after but then im defeating the point of light metering surely? My method is meter main main light to f10, then meter the 2nd light (to remove shadows) to 1 stop below the main light. Ive read this off WEX. Is this correct? Only other bit of info i can give is im shooting a light grey concrete vase on a white seamless backdrop. Any ideas? Many thanks like always guys Steve
  7. Hi guys First photo shoot in a few days for my new company. Id like to tether my 750D to my MacBook pro. In short, what will i need to do this? Ive read a long USB cable? Will it be a USB to USB or another type of cable? Also how do i tether in affinity? Is it possible. Keep it simple, thanks guys Steve
  8. Hi thank you very much for your reply! So the main questions i wanted answering was Q 1&2, how do i achieve the filter look on the whole picture (not the wall) The wall question i was asking is, are there any tips or company you can recommend so i can actually make or buy the backdrop? It will be far easier to do that (and look better) than to actually layer a new wall in photo... Thanks in advance
  9. Hi all. Ive been slaving away for a year now starting a new home decor online business. All products are here now and the photo stage is looming. Ive taken photo courses and know the very basics but im unsure how to achieve the desired look with the finished photos. Attached are 3 photos. Now theres definitely some kind of filter on them. Its hard to describe but i guess a kind of mild washed out look? Do you see what i mean? This is the look i want to achieve. My questions are.... 1) How can i achieve this look? 2) Are there any 3rd party filter plug-ins that you can recommend that may do the job? Finally as a side note, regarding the ladder photo, how can i achieve the look of the wall behind the ladder? Its very rustic with washed out blue colour. Its exactly what im after but are there any tips to recreate this look myself? Hope this post gets through, many thanks all in advance, i really want to nail this next step! Steve
  10. Hi guys, hope were all good! Im struggling with this one. Im trying to make or buy a selection of backdrops exactly like the picture attached. You'll notice the colour is quite washed out, quite rustic, and its most importantly not a solid block of colour. Has anyone made anything like this before and how do i do it? Or alternatively, is there any decent shops i can buy something like this from? Cheers all
  11. Hi guys, I've been editing an image in Develop persona. Been altering vignette, black/white, curves and detail refinement along with the usual exposures, I've pressed develop at the end ready to export and suddenly all my settings go back to standard except for the black and white....Done it twice now and both times its done the same. Any idea?
  12. Ok mate ill try that, excuse me im a novice here. My worry was loading times on pages due to large files. Ive been told they need to be 72 dpi for the web
  13. Thanks for your replies Im still having issues. So im doing this to import images for a blog post on my website, the image quality has to be perfect. Ive gone to new and chosen 'web' as my document. From there I've placed an image. As standard it inserts too big so i reduce the size to fit the white screen but it looks blurry on my screen.....How do i fix this? Is using 'Web' correct for a blog post? Thanks again for the help, its very appreciated
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