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Everything posted by CanneH

  1. I am trying to re-use some content from an old document in a new document. When you paste in content from other documents, Publisher automatically creates the styles from the old doc in the new doc. I then have to change the styles of the text in the new document and delete the old styles. I am using the Find feature to locate the old styles. After I clean up the old styles, I try to have Publisher delete unused styles. Sometimes, it doesn't clean up the old style, so I manually delete it. I have been working like this for a couple of weeks on a large document, and I have had frequent crashes that occur when I am working on cleaning up the styles. It is very frustrating to be working on a document and suddenly have it drop out from under you. Is there a better way to clean up the old styles, or to paste into the new document more effectively? In my ideal world, the content would paste into the new document and automatically map styles of the same name so the text uses the new version of the style in the new document. I try to use Paste without styles, but when working with large Tables, this is very hard to do. Also, I would like to preserve the styling of headers when pasting in. Help! This is so frustrating.
  2. I am also having issues with 1.10.4 of Affinity Publisher crashing. It has crashed three times in the past 24 hours. I'd be happy to share the document if it would be helpful for debugging. The document has some large image files in it. I created the new document this week, copied in parts from another document and imported styles from yet another document.
  3. It did not work this way in earlier versions and other document editing software does not do this. It’s punctuation. It should be ignored. You do not need to teach the spell check to ignore periods. Why do you need to teach it to ignore colons?
  4. Hi There, I can't consistently reproduce this, but I have attached a document that shows the error. I am running Affinity Publisher version on Windows 10. When I have a colon at the end of a heading, it is frequently causing the spell checker to flag the word just before the colon as a spelling error. It started in one document. When I copy a text from that document to a new document, the spell check failure comes with it. I have attached a document that shows the error. I can right click the word to fix the error and it removes the colon. If I then add the colon, it passes the spell check. I will try to further refine the repro steps, but hopefully the attached document will be helpful. ColonError.afpub
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