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Everything posted by Devoth

  1. Copy / paste shortcuts are working in normal layers panel in layer name's input, they seem blocked(?) in slice layers panel. So I can't copy / paste slice names, which coms in handy if for example I want to name a series of icons: icon-white-knob, icon-white-house, icon-white-photo, etc. Hope you can implement this in the future. Cheers
  2. I would also love to have a quick way to check distances between two objects - so useful for slicing web layouts. I think Sketch has this thought out pretty well: you can click on an object to select it, then just hover on any other object while holding ALT to display distance. It even works for for objects inside groups if you hold down CMD as well.
  3. Exporting slices as SVG would be quite handy [edit] I've noticed that Affinity Photo allows for exporting slices as svg, but Affinity Designer doesn't.
  4. I want to add a shortcut (maybe ⌘^F) for "Find in Layers Panel" so I can better manage a "dirty" document (imported from Corel Draw) that I'm currently working on. Currently I can't add a shortcut to this command, since it's in context click menu (or whatever it's called). If it was available in main menu (perhaps under "Layer" or "Select") I could add a shortcut via OSX System Preferences. Pretty please :)
  5. Temporary solution (not perfect yet) - a regex for stripping XML tags from multiple text fields copied from Affinity Designer pattern: <[^>]+>|<[^>]+>([^<]+)<[^>]+> replacement: $1
  6. I would love if there was a function to export all texts from a document (or a group of selected text fields). Currently trying to do copy with a couple fields selected and then pasting, results in pasting some XML data. My case is that I am often given web design documents that have actual copy inside, and currently the only way to get the text out is to go into editing mode of each text field, then selecting and copying the text. Hope this can be added at some point, would be a real time saver :)
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