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Everything posted by jose77

  1. solved: you have to uncheck , open in low resolution mode and that,s it. it have been a real headhache , maybe this post help people with the same problem in the future.
  2. ummm, it seems i am the only one having this problem.in 1.8.3 too.i can make a video if you want. i will try to reinstall everything and see if this works.
  3. yes!!! i,m using the last and it happens again, it,s like the zoom option is sampling a different area of the screen. mac osx 10.11
  4. the picket color tool it has a wrong behaviour.It choose the color correct, but what you actually see in the zoom it,s not the actual color. i have a screenshot to explain better.
  5. hello, How i do concentric shapes???? I,m missing something, scale doesn,t work???
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