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Everything posted by Praxandros

  1. @Sean P Thank you very much for your reply. The problem was on my specific file. I do not know what, but when I work on other files (new or existing) there was NO PROBLEM. Sorry for the inconvenience caused. Regards
  2. Designer crashes every time I try to export. As soon as press EXPORT, Designer crashes. In Task Manager it is loaded a file named 'crashpad_handler.exe' I am using the latest version installed yesterday. I have tried 'Repair' with NO result. I have tried Uninstall and Reinstall with NO result. Regards It seems that the crash concerns the specific file.
  3. Nice job as always. I have something to report. Under Text->Show Character and also at direct font selection, some Font names are NOT showing. The font changes but the Name is blank. As an example is the Font 'ADAMO'. Regards
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