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  1. Ah just found it an old issue: https://forum.affinity.serif.com/index.php?/topic/16989-copy-drag-has-unexpected-effect/
  2. OK so I just duplicate something by holding option and drag it to somewhere, no problem so far. But when I want to undo this, I need to cmd + z "2 times" in order to 1. move back the duplicated one to the original position (A "transform" record in History) AND 2. Delete the duplicated one (A "duplicate" record in History). This is NOT A BUG literally, but it's a little bit annoying and counterintuitive. Because, to me personally, I tend to subconsciously think "holding option and drag" as "one step", but it takes "two steps" to undo. Hmmm... so weird. I'm not sure if anyone has the same feeling :( or if I missed something please let me know :) :) :) (I think Adobe illustrator does better in this case though)
  3. Wow thanks for reply, this works great. I first thought the top of the Layer is the first page so I just got confused XDD Maybe add some hint for this feature in next version? Thanks again!
  4. Hello! Does anyone know that if it is possible to change the order of artboards when exporting to PDF(whole document)? By default it's ordered by time created. How can I change the order on my own? For example, I want to move the latest created Artboard3 to the first page of the document. I've tried and found that Layers order has nothing to do with this. In Adobe Illustrator there's a useful drag-and-drop panel for us to change the order of workspace. How can I do that in AD? Thanks for reading this, any comment would be appreciated :D :D
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