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  1. Just checking to make sure that wasn't the cause. Here's the file: Raster Test.afdesign
  2. K, feel kind of stupid, but I just realized that the technique in the original post was done in Affinity Photo, not Designer. Did this in a trial version of Photo and worked without problem. Is this possible to do solely in Designer, or is Photo required?
  3. K, think I spoke too soon. Tried it again today and I still get pixels filling in outside of the given selection. I think I've found a workaround, but I had a few questions: Is this behavior normal? Are the pixels outside the selection border "partially-selected" or the result of anti-aliasing the selected pixels? Is there a way to tell when his will happen? I've managed for now to just invert selection and delete the extra pixels, but it takes a few strokes of the "Delete" key to clear it as it only partially deletes the pixel. What's controlling it complete or partial deletes pixels?
  4. Is this still the best way to do this? I tried to replicate this using the "Alpha" option in the "Select Sampled Colour…" panel. While it seems to select the parts I'd expect, it seems that some pixels are "partially selected" and are still affected though they are outside the boundary, as with this GIF.
  5. I've been using Affinity Designer for pixel art and have been satisfied with the results. The only problem I have had so far is exporting my results to the size I want. When working on a per-pixel basic, is there a way to export to a different physical size (inches, not pixels) without resampling taking place? Example: The attached image was made working in the Pixel persona and exporting to PNG. Is there a way to export this image from Affinity at, for example, twice this size without the result being resampled? Thanks!
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