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  1. Hi Hangman, I followed your suggestions and relinked my entire document (file). The process was challenging, and when I completed the task to export the file it completed without crashing. I choose to export the files as JPEG files from SKETCHBOOK, and the exported file I saved as a. PDF file which was my goal. I thank you again for your expertise and support.
  2. Hi Hangman, I followed your recommendation to “re-export” pages 10 & 14 from my SKETCHBOOK drawings. In doing so I added them to the “recovered” version you attached. I then exported this file and it successfully completed. I now will have to go through the pages and re-link them. This will take me some time to complete due to the number of images, however because I now was able to export the entire file I am confident this file will work now. ‘Thank you so very much, and I will update you when I have completed this task. mr. b
  3. I am using a iPad Pro: 3rd generation/ model A1876/256GB. The version is iPadOS 18.2. My current iPad storage used is only 88.18 GB of 256 GB. when I attempt to EXPORT the AFFINITY file attached, it keeps crashing about the 70% point. When I deleted about half of the images in this file and then attempted to export, I was successful. I am attaching the crash report, as I do not know how to interpret the data. I am also attaching the .afpub file. My question is: is there a limit in AFFINITY PUBLISHER in terms of the images? I am using version 2.5.7. harry Publisher iPad-2025-01-03-215038.ips mr b poetry.afpub
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