I get what you mean
That it is always better to save documents so i dont have to hope that my files get automaticly saved
How ever i have a couple of things to say about that
1. The previus Version (affinity 1.0) as well as 2.0 had at some point saved all my Projecs and could reopen where i left it off even without saving the Project/s manually
2. I still get a message that asks me to recover the last Session
But it doesn't work for some reason
It just opens it like any other new raw file
I dont quite understand that behavior. I hope it can be fixed
3. That might be a user error from my side
But when i work on pictures for example i took a bunch from the rising sun
I open a couple and work on them simultanuisly
When i save one as a project
And open it again then it works as expected but only for that one picture
Is there a way to save all of them at once without having to go to every Single Image, saving and naming it?