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Everything posted by PancakeWizard

  1. Ok, I got it working without the crash report window. Looks like my winecfg was on XP for some reason (so I've been using Affinity 2 this whole time in an XP environment). the crash report window has gone now that i set it to win11. However, there's still very much a bunch of missing dlls reported when installing vcrun2015. I suspect this might have to do with microsoft no longer hosting the dlls where winetricks is expecting to find them, but I could be wrong. Thankfully it doesn't seem to be effecting Affinity.
  2. I tried this and while it does mean there's no crash while exporting to png now, a whole bunch of errors of missing dlls were reported when running this command, and now every time Affinity boots up there's a wine debugger program error window, so living with the crash export (which still does export the file), might be the lesser of two evils atm.
  3. Has anyone bit the bullet and tried to upgrade to 2.4 yet to see if this still works without a reinstall? I haven't dared, yet.
  4. Legend, looks like that worked, thanks! For reference it was the color profile supplied (and insisted upon) by drivethrurpg.
  5. Another question: is there a way to install ICC color profiles under rum/wine? Copying them into the system 32 folder where they normally go isn't being picked up by Publisher as available.
  6. So I managed to get this working with some trial and error using the codeberg instructions so thank you Wanesty and ElementalWarrior for figuring this out, I'll catalogue the pitfalls here in case they're of any use before I ask my question relating to an issue I'm having: System: Linux Mint 21.3, intel i3-10100F@3.6x4, 16GB RAM, 1TB SSD, Geforce RTX 3050 8GB. Annotations: 1. DO NOT use sudo commands except for the sections on creating folders/copying files to outside of the home directory, which you will 100% need root for eg: sudo cp $HOME/Documents/rum/rum /usr/local/bin/rum sudo mkdir /opt/wines 2. Use full absolute directory pathing. $HOME just caused issues further down the setup and had parts installing in different places (especially if you're using sudo to brute force some of the permissions here). using '/home/user/' in place of every $HOME in every instance was effective way through all this. 3. You need to do the extra part in bold here, or you'll just get a warning that dotnet48 is 'broken'. rum ElementalWarrior-8.14 $HOME/.wineAffinity winetricks --force dotnet48 corefonts 4. The vulkan display changes in the 'tips and tricks' proved fairly essential for decent usability, the flickering gets absurd. Apart from all that, I followed the codeberg instructions and got it working. Now for my issue, Tables. They really slow the application down and will increase crash likelihood (didn't have a single crash until I started experimenting with tables), I'm guessing it's a memory issue of some kind. It doesn't take a big table either, but the bigger the table the harder it falls. Just getting the table tool and creating one that crosses an a5 portrait width in a document that's only a few pages in size is enough to start things chugging. I've experimented with running it as a VM, regediting some direct3D memory, or playing with the performance settings - none of which seem to help. I'm hoping people are also experiencing this or hopefully have a solution for it.
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