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Everything posted by elucubra

  1. Dear friends, As you can see I'm a long time user of Serif products. When the Affinity line I jumped right in, and now I've upgraded to the universal license for V2. I'm very happy with the decision and actively engage in proselytism about the products. I mainly work in Linux, only booting into Windows when absolutely necessary. Stopping my work to boot into Windows is a nuisance, and Affinity is one of the few reasons. Linux for the desktop is very mature, and more often than not, much better and enjoyable than working in windows. Linux is steadily growing in number of users, and many segments are rising very rapidly, for example, gaming, which is turbocharging Llinux adoption. I have often read that Linux is still a minor player in the desktop space, but that may be misleading, and often due to a lack of serious software such as Affinity. Many people are in the same predicament as I am. We are both counted in the Windows and Linux statistics. Many of us have turned to Inkscape, Gimp and Scribus for our needs, but really need professional level tools, with a degree of polish that often commercial software provides. Part of the lower usage rate is due to the lack of this type of software, which leaves people like me having to dual boot to use your software. I believe that not having the option to natively install the software is keeping a higher number of user from adopting Affinity. Valve is a prime example of the success of the adoption of linux as a prime OS. There is also the fact that releasing for Linux would make Affinity the ONLY commercial player in the market, and could really give it an edge over Adobe, greatly enhancing the adoption of Affinity. I would like to request you consider the porting (does having a Mac version make it any easier?), especially now that Flatpak and Snaps exist, and removes the problem of distro fragmentation, or maybe in the mean time contribute and support the Wine effort? Thank you for offering such a great product, in the traditional non-subscription model, and providing such outstanding value, as always. Cheers, a long time user. Juan.
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