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  1. Hi, I've been using Affinity for a couple of years. I used to be able to use the "scroll" on with mouse to make a text larger or smaller (when hovering the text size box), to make inter letter spacing larger/smaller and most other variables "boxes". Has it been disabled? I have reset-ed the studio and have not changed mouse. I'm using a Apple Magic Mouse Thanks.
  2. I applied the perspective filter from the "live filter" menu, which means the art text layer is still editable afterwards, even though I applied the perspective filter. When I export it as PNG it's as though before applying the perspective filter (when exporting) it rasterizes the small text and "stretches" it. I get that it all gets rasterized during export, but I'd think it would "render" the whole thing at full resolution before exporting.
  3. I noticed that when exporting a project that has text with perspective applied to it, even though the text stays as text and is not rasterized, it will look pixelated upon export (way more than in my Affinity project). The main reason seems to be because the text was kinda small to begin with, but I made it "bigger" with the perspective tool. It's as though exporting the project takes the initial text size and stretches it (as if it was "rasterized" at that size before applying the perspective tool). I figured I could mitigate that by making the text way bigger before applying perspective to it. But shouldn't it not do that? Like if it stays as vector "editable artistic text", should it be exported as "cleanly" as possible?
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