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  1. @thomaso @Old Bruce Thank you for your support/advice. I was able to learn enough Regex to make things slightly easier for me in Publisher!
  2. @thomaso Thank you! I'll have a look as I can probably do it in Affinity publisher if the work around goes through
  3. @Old Bruce Oh gosh haha, that sounds extremely complicated as I'm not familiar with Regex and I can't seem to find the "find and replace" button in Affinity Designer. Thank you for explaining!
  4. @thomaso Would you be able to quickly explain how to F&R and Regex? It would be super helpful! Thank you
  5. @thomaso Thank you for your response. What do you mean by drop cap + the stylistic character style?
  6. Hi everyone, I'm interested in creating a text style where the first and last letter of a word has a stylistic set. However, I'm running into a problem where the letters in-between will also be given the stylistic set setting. How do I only have it applied to the first and last letter? Please see photos attached. Thank you!
  7. Hi everyone, I’m wondering whether this type of brush is available. I am looking for a brush similar to the smudge tool however, it is in affinity designer. Essentially, I’d like the brush to automatically take a colour from the image underneath the cursor/pen. Thank you
  8. @lacerto This is amazing. Thank you so much.
  9. @lacerto If possible, would you be able to create a short video demo? Thank you.
  10. @anto @lacerto Thank you both for your input. @lacerto Interesting way of going about it. I have not tested this feature. It may definitely be easier.
  11. @anto Yes, I'd like to use the same format as @Old Bruce however, in this case there are three parameters. Example, the alphabet, number, and name. Currently, I am creating individual data frames. TEST.csv
  12. @anto Thank you very much. I'm not sure what the offset does exactly. If I'd also like to include letters beside each name, would I be able to do so using the same table I created?
  13. @Old Bruce Thank you! I can see how laid it out. It's much simpler than what I have been doing and much less time consuming. Much much appreciated.
  14. @Old Bruce If I do it this way, I'm not able to list the names as columns under the proper table number it seems. The fields aren't showing up correctly as "table 1, table 2, table 3" etc.
  15. Yes! Attached it here.Seating Chart_Example.csvExample.afpub
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