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  1. Thanks, Mike, for identifying that this was the issue. I was able to go in and fix my shortcuts there. It looks like everything maybe got moved by one? Off by one item? Anyhow, I can use a tab again normally, and I fixed my home and end issues while I was in there
  2. Hello all, I updated to the most recent version of the beta (build 1954) and still in Ventura (13.5) and now I have new and bizarre problems. Hitting the tab key now selects everything from my cursor to the end of the text (work around involved creating a shortcut for the insert tab menu command and then mapping that to my TourBox). The end key now goes to the beginning of the line, like home key, and if I try to select an entire word at a jump with command+shift+arrow key, it goes the wrong direction. Command+Shift+Left selects the entire word to the right, and cmd+shift+right selects the word to the left of my cursor. This is maddening, but anything I've opened in a beta won't open in the stable build, so this is just my life now.
  3. Also, given that other software (Capture One Pro 23, Finale, etc) I was using had not been updated and had no problems running in Sonoma, it seems to be something specific to Affinity Publisher. I really hope they get it sorted out soon. I'm so glad V.2 of publisher added footnotes so that it was a practical alternative to InDesign for me!
  4. Well, at least it was very consistent in what caused it to crash. The other issues were less consistent. The good news is that the beta is much more stable in Ventura (as I said, I rolled back), especially as the files I edited with the beta while I was using Sonoma are not able to be opened with v. 2.1 and require the use of 2.2 beta. Hopefully I'll get more usable data to the devs so that by the time Sonoma is released, the software will be usable, as it should be. Also, I am pretty sure that the entire point of a beta is to catch this stuff before the full release coughWesterwäldercough
  5. Thanks, @Barry Newman. I did end up rolling back to OS 13, and the Publisher beta is substantially more stable in Ventura than it was in Sonoma. Since I had backed everything up before going to the beta as well as afterwards, I seem to have just lost some time and patience. I hope the approximately fifty-seven identical crash reports that were automatically sent when it crashed on Tuesday are helpful!
  6. I'm aware of the risks in installing beta software and operating systems—this isn't my first time doing either—and I have other options to use stable builds. What I'm attempting to communicate is my surprise that I can't use the stable build with Sonoma, unlike some of my other software (i.e., CaptureOne, Spark, ForScore) and that the beta software is so glitchy. I look forward to seeing what new features are added when the software is more stable.
  7. If I had known Affinity's beta software was this unstable and the stable release was incompatible with Sonoma, I wouldn't have updated to the public beta. It's unfortunate that it's this rough, as all the other software I've been using with Sonoma has been working fine. I hope Affinity releases an update tomorrow, because working around not being able to leave the app is really awkward.
  8. Currently running OS 14.0 Public Beta (Build 23A5286i) and Affinity Publisher Beta v. 2.2 (build 1903) on a 14" MacBook Pro with M1 Pro chip. No updates are available for either software or OS at this point. Every time I move the focus away from Publisher, it crashes. It does this regardless of whether I do so by mouse (click on another application or on desktop) or by keyboard commands (cmd+tab). It does this regardless of whether hardware acceleration is enabled or not. It is consistently reproducible (happens every time). Unfortunately, rolling my machine back to OS 13.5 so I can use the stable release is a giant pain in the butt even with a full Time Machine backup done immediately before upgrading, and therefore I just have to be very strategic with organizing Here's the crash log: Crash-189363.txt
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