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  1. What version are you experiencing the crashes on ? Is it a .exe install or an MSIX installation. The solution for me was to use the MSIX installation. It would still be great to get to the bottom of why the .exe installation behaved so differently.
  2. Resolved. Worked through some options with support, and found that the installation via the application .exe was not recognizing the graphics card correctly, no matter which driver was installed. The solution was to completely remove the standard .exe Application, and instead use the MSIX App installation instead. Not sure how/why the installations would differ if they are based on the same code base, but there you have it. Hope that can resolve the issue for others as well. V
  3. Should have been more clear, WHQL Standard Driver latest is 472.12. As I noted in previous post, It didn't make one iota of difference anyway, as I installed the NCH 536.40 and still had the identical problem This is not driver related. V.
  4. A quick follow up post after testing some changes on request of support. The Renderer options in the Performance menu were actually blank, so the graphics card was not being recognized correctly. Not something I picked up on earlier. I originally had a clean install of the WHQL version of the driver - 472.12, as I tend to avoid DCH drivers if at all possible. This being something that I do my best to maintain coming from a mission critical Audio Workstation environment. RTX/Quadro drivers still offer the latest drivers under WHQL for example. On instruction from support I removed the original WHQL driver and installed the latest DCH driver for the card, 536.40 , and it has not resolved the issue. Render options are still blank, card is not being recognized, application immediately crashes on any attempt to be used. I did note I didn't want to chase a ghost with driver versions, but here we are. This is not going to be resolved with driver versions. Let me repeat again, V1 worked perfectly with this configuration. V.
  5. I am a Professional Audio Workstation Builder so I know my way around system variables, and in that context I do not agree with that blanket excuse of so many variables. Thats a typical excuse when things go in an unintended direction and the devs don't have a solid answer. Has there been any consensus its due to hardware acceleration of the graphics cards ? FWIW - V1 Trial worked perfectly on this configuration , with the hardware acceleration, so it is something they have introduced in V2 I have sent crash logs to the support team, I'll update if I get an solution. V.
  6. Hey Ron, Already tested the HW Acceleration option to no avail, Nvidia drivers are latest for the card , 472.12. No studio driver option for this card unfortunately. I have been contacted by Affinity support as well, same suggestions. I really don't want to be chasing a ghost re driver versions. I have since posting found other similar posts, so this is not over uncommon, but there was no clear consensus on a fix. V.
  7. Hi, I have just purchased Affinity Photo 2, and have installed the latest version 2.1.1 As per the title , attempting to open any file results in an immediate crash and shutting down of the application. Will also happen if attempting to create a new file. System Spec: Intel X58 : Xeon : Nvidia GT 1030 Graphics Card : Windows 10 22H2 : Windows 10 22H2 I did search some other threads , but nothing akin to anything this severe. Need some guidance on how to resolve the crashing, and if others have experienced similar. V.
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