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  1. Yeah, I knew all that. I was asking if there's a way of setting the brush color picker to sample from current layer, which there isn't. Even switching it to the color picker tool would make my workflow way slower. I'm a bit disappointed that it doesn't have this simple feature to be honest.
  2. Yes, and it should've picked the exact same shade of green regardless of where in the green rectangle you clicked. I don't think we're understanding each other here. It seems the feature just doesn't exist for APh, which is a real shame.
  3. That's the thing though. It's picking the color globally. If it were only for the current layer, it should have either been the same shade of green or transparent.
  4. I mean, yeah I see that. Maybe I'm not understanding then. What am I supposed to have noticed? Are you able to pick specifically the colors from the multiply layer with alt-click? It'd probably be easier to tell if both layers didn't have the same image
  5. I understand what you mean. But it's quite impractical in my case, since the multiply layer is above several other layers, turning them off each time I have to pick a color from it (which I do very often) would be extremely time-consuming.
  6. I'm not sure if that'd help. If there's no way of quickly picking a color from the current layer, then there's not much that can be done.
  7. I use it to pick colors from a multiply layer directly, so I can't just hide every other layer in order to pick the original color
  8. That's the one I'm trying to use. Is it not possible to set it up so it can pick from current layer only? That'd be really bad since a lot of my workflow relies on that.
  9. Using APh. Double-checked and everything's set up correctly and I'm on the right layer. Still picks colors as it sampling from all layers.
  10. I was able to switch the color picker to only pick from current layer, but when I switch back to the paint brush tool, it ignores it and picks from all layers instead. Any help is appreciated.
  11. So what you're saying is there's no way around it? I don't really get a similar issue with any other programs I own.
  12. Hey there. Just got the program and it's been pretty good so far. However, I keep running into this strange effect at certain zoom levels and I can't figure out how to get rid of it. I'll upload some attachments showing the problem. This one has the weird effect happening: This one is clean, at just one zoom level below the previous one: Any help is appreciated.
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