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  1. I see.. good to know. Thanks! It's crazy that this super essential "functionality" is broken. I also have a desktop license. Is this issue not present in the desktop version? I really don’t like using my macbook for design purposes but I guess it's either switch to a different program or open the macbook only when I need to rotate shapes and come right back to iPad.. lol
  2. This works on Procreate so I thought it'd also work on Affinity Designer but it doesn't or I just don't know how to do it. I've attached two videos. One is Affinity Designer and the other is Procreate. As you can see in the attached video, I first select an object by using one of the selection options, in the same layer. Then I move it and try to correct the alignment (horizontal) but I don't get the guide lines for snapping. Are there extra steps to achieve this? Also, in Procreate, when you lift your finger, the selection fits to whatever's inside the selection but I'm not sure Affinity Designer can do that. Can it? RPReplay_Final1724570375.mov RPReplay_Final1724570903.mov
  3. Here's the file! @NotMyFault Your first suggestion doesn't work as the problematic shapes are already curves. I will have hundreds of these shapes so having a rectangle as parent for each one of them would be insane and very inefficient. Also, rasterizing them doesn't work as I might need to change each individual's gradient when needed. Rotating shapes does not cause this problem in Illustrator so as a new user to Affinity Designer, I expected it to just work but uh... pantuflas.afdesign
  4. Can someone please help me with this? At first, I thought it was just a meaningless bounding box issue that wouldn’t affect my work but as you can see in the attached image, the shape’s size is also distorted because of this problem. It’s making it really difficult to work.
  5. I've done some more research and it seems like this has been a known issue for a long time but hasn't been "fixed" and there's no work arounds? I've read this but it's confused me even more and not sure where the clear instruction is to fix this.
  6. @walt.farrell Thanks for the help and I did read the document you shared but I still don't understand what I'm supposed to do..
  7. I created some shapes by dividing and one of them has its bounding box nicely fit to the shape whereas the others have their bounding boxes in the unexpected shape. Why does this happen and how can I fix it? By fix it I mean make the other bounding boxes fit to their shapes. Thank you in advance!
  8. Ohh I thought they were all affinity employees... I see. Thanks for letting me know.
  9. Wait so you do not plan on fixing this? Are we expected to modify x or y values each time we use Export Persona? For every artboard in the project? This is madness! This really is a bug and I hope to see a fix soon.
  10. I think you have to come up with an actual fix. Your suggested fix doesn't work. I always duplicate artboards by dragging. So then x or y values become decimal. I just duplicated an artboard by dragging and its x became 5568.051828 px. Then I switched to Export Persona and as expected, w and h became 513x1024 instead of 512x1024. This happens even after I did what you told me to do.
  11. Ah wait. It looks like newly created artboards are good. The ones I already had in the project seem to be still "messed up". If it's good from now on, I'm good.
  12. Ok I just did what you told me to do (Preferences > User Interface > Pixels and change the decimal places to 6) but it still doesn't work.
  13. Where is Preferences tab?? I cannot find it.
  14. Here you go. Try the artboard named "THIS". THIS.afdesign
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