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  1. Our organization has used version 1 of Designer for a while and were looking into upgrading. I ran into a problem exporting pdfs (out of the blue), have posted on here to find a solution but no response. We're willing to pay a support team for their help... if there is a support team. Otherwise, I don't see any point in purchasing V2 or continuing with Affinity 1 even - cause what's the point in spending a ton of time on a project that can't be exported? We're in a time crunch too, which is why I'm posting this inquiry now. If there is live support, please share the contact info. Thank you.
  2. I'm having this problem as well, and for some reason am unable to view Lacertos solution in this thread (it shows as blank). Same error message, Windows 10 as well... the only thing I can add that's different is that I've downloaded the trial for version 2 and tried it there but it had the same error. Thanks.
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