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  1. @loukash Thanks again for that quick response. You are right, when proceeding as you suggested, I can actually see those groups and layers and play with them. Thanks again for your assistance !!!
  2. Hi @loukash, Thanks for that thorough response and even getting into the document and testing it by yourself! Could you expand on how do you go from uploading the PDF document into Affinity Designer, to actually seeing the circles in the layers panel? This question arises cause in the Layers Panel I only see the PDF button as an "Embedded document". There are no subgroups below it which I could grab. Thanks in advance!! 😁
  3. Hey @NotMyFault and @walt.farrell thanks for that quick replies. @NotMyFault I have the PDF opened and loaded in the software. However, I do not understand how to extract all the single circle features. Could you expand on that? Same for @walt.farrell's response!
  4. Hi everyone, I was wondering if it is possible in Affinity Designer 2 to extract certain features from a PDF file (e.g., the circles in the attached file). The reason being I want to play a bit with them in terms of layer arrangements (e.g., bring to front) and colours. Thanks! mtc-pc_vs_opcosts.pdf
  5. Hi @NathanC Thanks for the response. I managed to open the file with all embedded images removed successfully! I then proceeded to open the file with all images linked, and it also opened successfully. As to your final instruction "If it opens successfully, download the 'Images' folder and then re-link it back to that folder, and then save and close the file and see if can be opened again.". See questions below: What do you mean with download the Images folder? When I downloaded the files from Dropbox, the 2 affinity designer files came with the Images folder already (so already downloaded?). I mention this because the second file (images linked) has already the images linked to that specific folder (so when I see the Resource Manager, and ask to locate the pictures in Finder, it goes directly to that already downloaded Images folder). Not sure if this is what you wanted but I did the following: I first moved the already downloaded Images folder to a different Finder location. Affinity Designer warned me all images links were missing, so I re-linked them all to the Images folder in the new location Affinity designer then prompted it was all good, so I proceeded to save the document, exit, and re-open again with no issues. Thanks again!
  6. Hi @Hangman, Thanks for the reply. I tried deleting the mru.dat without success. @NathanCI have attached two files: BEACON Paper Figures This is the original file which is not working anymore for me (can't open it). Affinity Copy Test.afdesign My friend opened the original, copied and pasted a few elements into another new file and sent it back to me. This is that file. Thanks again!
  7. Thanks for the quick reply. I tried renaming the folder and associated subfolders with no change, still can't open the file. Similarly, as suggested I downloaded the beta version and tried with no success.
  8. Hi everyone. I was working on a file, everything was going perfectly, but now I can't open it anymore. I would try to recall exactly how it happened: I used "force quit" from my Mac to exit the document as I had to leave quickly, and then internally from the hard drive I moved the file I was working on from its current location on the Mac to a shared OneDrive folder. Later on, after restarting the computer, I tried opening it but it gets stuck on "Loading 1 Document" forever (waited for a day), and in the process my Mac's CPU usage rampage to 100%. Since then, I haven't been able to open it. Note I can still work normally on other files without any issues. I have tried a few things: I sent the document to a friend who was able to open it without any issues. I asked him to save it with another name and send it back, but I still can't open this new file. I also asked a friend to copy a few elements from inside the file to another new one and send it to me, but still can't open this new one. Following forum's guidelines: I am using the latest version of Affinity Designer 2. I can upload the document but I would need you to provide a safe link. General Description: Operating System MacOS Monterey version 12.6.3 (21G419). MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Mid 2015) Processor 2.8 GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i7 Memory 16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3 Graphics AMD Radeon R9 M370X 2 GB I have turned hardware acceleration OFF. Thanks!
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