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  1. Thank you for the fast and kind replies. You were right. The problem was in my hardware renderer. For some reason just removing "Hardware acceleration" checkbox didn't help, but when I changed the renderer to the one in the picture, the problem gone.
  2. Hello, After exporting photos to JPEG I can find white horizontal lines in different places of the picture. I tried different compression methods and different quality settings. Doesn't help. Affinity Photo Version: How could I help to troubleshoot the problem?
  3. Hello. When I want to print the book, I have to print the series of booklets (12 or 16 or 20 pages each). Now I have to export the book to pdf and print there. Because Affinity Publisher doesn't provide this feature. Even if I choose "Booklet" in print menu and select the page range (f.e. 1-16) it use the whole document, not the first 16 pages to create the booklet. If I choose "Book" printing option, then it is the set of 4 pages booklets. Am I doing something wrong or this really important feature is still missing? Regards, Slava
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