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Atlas Games Webmaster

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  1. The file has been uploaded. For clarity sake I could at first move items and then its about 30 seconds after having the file open that the freezing happens. Thanks for looking into this!
  2. I've recently updated to the newest version of Publisher 2 - 2.4.2 from 2.3.1. The file I was working on will open and I can scroll through the pages, however, it's as if the file is frozen in that it won't allow me to move anything or edit any text. I downloaded the previous version again and that worked perfectly fine. I saw there was a newer update thinking maybe something would of been fixed, however, after updating I again can't edit anything on the file or choose the page I want to be brought to. Only thing I can really do is scroll. Processor AMD Ryzen 7 3700X 8-Core Processor, 3600 Mhz, 8 Core(s), 16 Logical Processor(s) Installed Physical Memory (RAM) 32.0 GB Graphics Card Name AMD Radeon RX 6800 Adapter RAM (1,048,576) bytes
  3. +1 export to IDML. It's imperative for professional book publishing. I can't get rid of my InDesign subscription until this happens.
  4. +1 export to IDML. It's imperative for professional book publishing. I can't get rid of my InDesign subscription until this happens.
  5. +1 export to IDML. It's imperative for professional book publishing. I can't get rid of my InDesign subscription until this happens.
  6. Symbol_power.tif Pages from Cat_CORE_Alert_v10.pdf Attached. I pulled the one relevant page out of a multi-page PDF, so it will need to be relinked.
  7. Thank you for the reply. Here's a comparison … CORRECT: first image is how it looks as an INDD file in InDesign, with white card and transparent lightning. INCORRECT: Second image is how it looks in Publisher opening the IDML file, with transparent card and white lightning.
  8. I'm sorry I misspoke. The error is in Photo 2.0.4, not Publisher. Still occurs with the two PSD import options toggled on in Preferences>General.
  9. When you Save As to IDML in today's InDesign, the option is listed as "InDesign CS4 or later (IDML)". So my thinking is that it seems CS4 can read IDML as a native pre-2014 INDD file … even though IDML was only used for library files when CS4 was published. The INDD format likely changed when Adobe moved to Creative Cloud, even though it uses the same file extension, thus the need for IDML for backward compatibility. So, I know any part of my assumptions could be wrong here. But I'm looking at having to convert several hundred files from pre-2014 INDD format to IDML to move from Adobe to Affinity, and I'd rather not if the solution is just to ask for a new import feature. So it doesn't hurt to ask? Screen shots are attached of a pre-2014 INDD file's code when opened in BBEdit, since you asked about that.
  10. Thank you for your reply, fde101. I did search before I posted, so I'd already found the links you listed. They're for Affinity 1 rather than Affinity 2, and are in an archived forum, so no longer relevant. This is a new feature request for the current version.
  11. Thank you for your reply, fde101. I did search before I posted, so I'd already found the links you listed. They're for Affinity 1 rather than Affinity 2, and are in an archived forum, so no longer relevant. This is a new feature request for the current version.
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