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  1. Thanks! I found the faq and rollback. Now, things are looking good. Btw: I updated from this site today. 2.5. Why not 2.5.1 there?
  2. Hi! Installed v.2.5, now things are just freezing. How do I roll back?
  3. How to replicate: Make to identical projects, 2 pages, item1 on page 1, item 2 on page 2 Project 1: Search "item", select item 1 Project 2 Search "item", select item 2 Select project 1. Item 2 is now selected (wrong)
  4. I'm a little busy right now. I'll come back to it when I remember it.
  5. I'm not sure, but I belive I've had less crashes with v2.3
  6. It's remembered. But it takes flicking back and forth between items or pages to have it update. Win 11, Pub 2.3
  7. When having 2 projects with similar content open at same time, left pane is not updating correctly when setting the other project active. Pages, search and more.
  8. Crash ad74bf9c-0458-4944-a566-772a3de26c91.dmp and 552d8200-767c-4feb-b84b-7cbd0f635579.dmp
  9. No, that's unticked.
  10. Today 90% of my work-time goes to handling Publisher crashes and freezes b790a2a0-e55e-49d1-8ed4-e54ec43eb0ce.dmp
  11. Yes, I found the technique. Setting TOC 1: Entry to the right properties.
  12. Upgrade my Ram from 16Gb to 32Gb, that reduced crashes with approx. 75%
  13. Sorry, the file is not in same state now. However I can upload it when it happens again.
  14. Nice to know if things gets really bad.
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