I know this issue has been brought up before in this forum, but for me it's a very important issue and that's why I am creating this new post.
I am professional photographer, designer, and experienced Adobe software user and teacher (since Photoshop 5). Adobe products have worked fine for me for most of my career, but now, like many others, I find them bloated, slow and overpriced. They have many, many functionalities I never use, and probably never will use, but I still have to pay for, while they're slowing down my work, making my workflow more complex. I spend more and more time on web forums and tutorials looking for solutions or figuring out tools, time I could spend doing my job and creating.
I recently bought Affinity Photo and Affinity Designer and I was amazed at how user friendly, well designed and powerful these apps are. I'm still using everyday (and paying-renting) the full Adobe Suite. Why? I can't really make the switch if I don't have an alternative file browser like Adobe Bridge. Not Lightroom. Lightroom is great and I can and will RENT it separately. But Lightroom shows me only photos, not EPS, Illustrator or any other type of images. I have thousands of images, bitmap and vectors, and I need a browser to navigate, view and locate all my images quickly and efficiently. I tried to find an alternative to Bridge, but there doesn't seem to be any that meets my needs (any suggestions welcome). It's not that I like Bridge! It's slow and unstable. It crashes a few times a day. And I can only get it if I pay for a package at Adobe. But there is no alternative!
So my question is:
Does Affinity have any plans whatsoever to offer an image browser in the future?
It doesn't have to be a full DAM software with all the bells and whistles. I just need to view and locate my images. I don't need fancy sharing capabilities, cloud librairies and storage, backup wizardry. I don't need it to work on my phone or my tablet and have one touch magic. Just basic features to do my work:
Support for all (or most) image types
Display basic metadata and keywording
Basic organizing
Thank you for making great products! Can someone at Affinity provide a hint at what's coming (or not)?