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Everything posted by Gytrash

  1. I'm completely in accord with the sentiments voiced by most Affinity users here: NO SUBSCRIPTION MODEL!!! Canva will do well to realise that most Affinity Suite users are disaffected former Adobe ones and the reasons we put up with the reduced toolset, snail's-pace development and lack of response to feature requests is that 1.) We don't have to subscribe (whether we have the work to pay for it that month or not) and 2.) the apps feel slick and stable enough to be genuinely GREAT enough to whoop Adobe's ass, given time. Now if Canva dosh enables 2.), then I'm all for it, but NOT at the price of accepting 1.) And that is absolute. Subscription models for software suck balls and now, at the twilight of my career, I'm perfectly happy to investigate alternatives, like the incredibly promising VectorStyler and that classic Mac Photoshop alternative, Pixelmator. So do the right thing, Affinity and stand by your customers!
  2. Help! Where is the glyph browser on AD iPAd? Not been able to find any info and searching the interface reveals nothing! Does it exist?
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