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Everything posted by JeMa

  1. Thank you very much, Walt! This helps a lot. And the results are much better with the right brush.
  2. Hello, I am a beginner with working with Affinity Photo, but I am already totally thrilled by what this Software can do. In order to get familiar in using it, I work through the according work book. In the project "Pure Gold" the book has me to choose a certain brush ("Malen 1") from the "Gemälde" ("Painting" in English?) category. Unfortunately I cannot find this brush in my collection (see attached picture). Aren't these brushes in this category part of the standard software setup of Affinity Photo? Or can I get these brushes somewhere (download) in order to import them into my library? I work with the MacOS desktop version of Affinity Photo. Jens
  3. Thank you for this tip. I see, in affinity photo there are more ways than one to achieve the same results.
  4. Thank you a lot! This special way to move layers around puzzled me for half of last night. And I couldn‘t find one hint in any tutorial. And it isn‘t explicitly explained in the project pages in the work book. Now, that I know the trick, it‘s easy and a wonderful tool for adding textures. Thanks!
  5. Hello! I'm thoroughly working through your Photo Workbook. But the book cover project Search the Woods brought me to a halt: When I tried to apply a texture file to an artistic text by moving the texture onto the text layer, the thumbnail picture (picture 1) of the texture changes to a white square with a little cropping symbol at the bottom right corner (for a fill layer?). But the content just vanishes and cannot be seen anymore. So the text stays in the former color (red), but no texture is shining through (See picture 2). Also with the layer mix mode according to the work book tutorial (picture 3) no layer shines through. Then I looked for video tutorials and tried to apply textures to other texts and shapes as well with the same result: no texture applied to the shapes or texts. What do I do wrong? What did change with the new version 1.9 for textures? Jens
  6. Thanks for the quick fix. With dragging the panel from my external monitor to my MacBook monitor the color wheel is displayed correctly again. My monitor is by Acer, and my MacBook has got a Retina display, if this is of any help for you. Jens
  7. Hi! As I am getting familiar with the app and working through your Photo Work Book, I discovered a bug in the HSL-panel: When I open it the second time or after, the color wheel isn't displayed correctly. I can see only the upper left quarter and parts of the color field pickers (see attached screen shot). When I close the app and restart it again, the HSL panel is displayed correctly when I open it for the first time, but the bug comes up after opening the second time.
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