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Everything posted by ETL

  1. There are many applications that require online activation but provide a solution for this particular situation. Take FoxIt PhantomPDF for example. It is normally done with online activation but if you can't, you can contact support and they send you a file you can put on your computer. Microsoft permits phone activation without internet connection for most products. Adobe does not and that's why I went away from them to Affinity.
  2. Download on internet connected computer, copy to USB drive, copy off USB drive to air-gapped computer, install. Pretty typical. Not really any different than what the OP needs to do. They have a computer that is not in a location that has internet access. Does not want to drag their computer to the nearest city to connect it to the internet. Their reason is physical location. My reason is security. Same outcome. I am the networking team. See Air Gap Network.
  3. Off-line activation is a must!!! It was possible in v1 and is the No. 1 reason I went with Affinity Photo over Photoshop. You see, on my corporate network, the computers don't have access to the Internet for security reason. While maybe that's not super typical, it is still not that unusual. Photoshop with it's monthly activation made it impossible to use on our network. But then I found Affinity Photo and that enabled me to provide high quality software to the users that did all they needed, without requiring Adobe's products. But I won't be able to ever upgrade to v2 if it require on-line activation.
  4. Please please please - at least remember the last selection! That should be fairly simple to implement!
  5. @carl123 oh, good idea, didn't think of just dumping the path in a text file. I was stuck with the Excel idea!
  6. Thanks @v_kyr - this is good in certain scenario but in this case, it would take longer to create the Excel file than to just drop the files one by one in Publisher.
  7. Hello, Maybe I just missed the option somewhere... but what I am trying to do is create a simple photo album where each page is a photo and a caption. I created a master page the way I want it. I can add pages and drag and drop my photo in the photo frame and then type my caption. That's good. But I am wondering if I could speed this up by selecting a bunch of photos, dropping them in Publisher and it creates one page for each photo file. I found in the menu Document -> Add Pages from Files option but that's not letting me select JPG. Any ideas?
  8. I have some lens profiles in lcp format. When I convert them with the lensfun converter app, I get the XML which is a v2 format. From my tests, v2 format XML works fine with AP. However, if the distortion or tca is of `model="acm"`, then the lens profile does not show. I verified this is still a problem in on Windows 10 64bit. Here is an XML snippet: <lens> <maker>Nikon</maker> <model>Nikon AF Fisheye-Nikkor 16mm f/2.8D</model> <model lang="en">Nikkor AF 16mm f/2.8D Fisheye</model> <mount>Nikon F AF</mount> <cropfactor>1.0</cropfactor> <type>fisheye</type> <calibration> <distortion focal="16.0" k1="-0.023402" k2="-0.007713" model="acm" /> <tca alpha0="1.000345" alpha1="-0.000020" alpha2="-0.000067" alpha3="0.000066" beta0="1.000134" beta1="0.000175" beta2="-0.000027" beta3="0.000017" focal="16.0" model="acm" /> </calibration> </lens> For test, I manually changed it to the below and it showed up in the list. I have no idea if such a conversion is valid and I don't know how to convert the XML attributes of `tca`. <lens> <maker>Nikon</maker> <model>Nikon AF Fisheye-Nikkor 16mm f/2.8D</model> <model lang="en">Nikkor AF 16mm f/2.8D Fisheye</model> <mount>Nikon F AF</mount> <cropfactor>1.0</cropfactor> <type>fisheye</type> <calibration> <distortion focal="16.0" a="-0.023402" b="-0.007713" model="ptlens" /> </calibration> </lens> I don't know if AP does not show the `acm` based profiles because it isn't using the latest version of the lensfun library or if there are other reasons. I am a programmer myself and I would be willing to make mods to the lensfun lcp converter - but I have no idea how to translate the `acm` attributes to `ptlens` attributes. So a solution for me is either for AP to support the `acm` profiles or to know how to do the `acm` to `ptlens` conversion so I can write the code to do that.
  9. At least in 1.9, you can add many in one shot (not sure when this was added).
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